This is kind of an experiment since at this point in time Din's Champion isn't even in Early Access yet. Since I'm already putting together a changelist for our weekly builds for the testers, I thought this might be interesting to some people who want to follow the progress of the game more. 0.800 change list: [list] [*]now if transitioned town doesn't fit in new area it will shift it around to fit [*]now if transitioned town doesn't fit in new area after shifting it will create a larger area [*]fixed a possible crash in Level::addBackgroundBlocks [*]fixed adding a larger than 1x1 level on world edge breaking things (crash in addBackgroundBlocks) [*]fixed a problem with fake border levels going beyond the max edges [*]can no longer attack through blocks and closed doors [*]now carried over entities if their corrected position isn't valid, it finds a good one [*]fixed a couple places spawn item could fail when loading an item and the loading position when then be wrong (Delilah) [*]fixed losing npcs if asked them to join party and then kicked them out of party [*]fixed some entities not settling on ground properly the first time they apply gravity [*]now reduce damage from monsters in low levels if the monster is a higher level than area [*]now blocks only try updateBlockShape in applySlowInteraction 20% of the time to use less cpu [*]sped up ResourceSystem::findResource a little [*]gates, house deeds, crafting objects, furniture, and player chests no longer go on active list - dropped test case from 150 to 50 active entities [*]items should now go inactive when done falling correctly [*]items now use timer for deleting if on ground too long instead of using event system (test case has over 2200 delete events posted, now 4) [*]changed GraphicsSystem::useModelCache to use insert instead of resize/memcpy [*]optimized LightingSystem::getBlockVertLightIntensity a little [*]changed ObjectSent stuff on server & client to array instead of linked list [*]made it so caves no longer spawn too close to start location [*]added in new logo [*]hooked up new logo on loading screen [*]hooked up new theme music [*]no longer try to spawn an area block if too close to a player [*]no longer try to spawn monsters, chests, traps, and objects during area block spawn if too close to a player [*]added a build workbench quest [*]added a build modification table quest [*]added a build house quest [*]now starting quests auto select [*]now show an icon on main game screen for current selected quest - highlight text will tell quest title/text, left click will open quests menu, and right click will go to map location [*]now save current selected quest [*]fixed explosion barrels sometimes not exploding (TriggerDistanceZ breaking TrapInstantBase) [*]now server sends keep alive messages to client when generating a new world so client doesn't timeout [*]area blocks set to always have chest is not literal anymore [*]made dungeons have more rooms and hallways [*]now check monster spawn position against house deeds better [*]made spiders and scorpions have slightly smaller x axis bounds [*]doubled NewPlantPerSurfaceLevelChance [*]increased DamagePercentPhysical/DamagePercentPoison for ArchetypeDarkOrcShaman/ArchetypeDarkOrcWarlock from 0.3/0.3 to 0.7/0.7 [*]traps and objects can no longer be guards (at least for now) [*]now liquid damage has some resistance piercing [*]can no longer use a non-player placed chest from too far away [*]no longer highlight tree leaves when damaged since it doesn't use alpha and looks blocky (noHighlight in skn) [*]increased amorph Weight from 1.25 to 2.0 [*]hulks now knockback others 50% more [*]decreased Obsidian ValueMult from 0.5 to 0.33 [*]now linked skills all automatically get added to hotbar [*]skills put into hotkey bar automatically now set up select/instant use correctly [*]harmful liquids, harmful gases, and blight will now eventually destroy plants in/on them [*]can no longer place torches out of sight [*]no longer lock on to entities marked as CanOnlyTargetDirectly when move cursor off of them [*]client no longer sends as many packets to server if last server message is an alive message (generating a new world) [*]changed getSightFromPosition from using ReservedPosition to normal position [*]halved ObjectTriggerLeverRandom/ObjectTriggerSwitchRandom chances [*]set lots of projectile skills to repeat [*]increased PowerRegenPerInt from 0.08 to 0.15 [*]increased PowerRegenPerSpr from 0.08 to 0.1 [*]increased CombatPowerRegenMultiplier from 0.25 to 0.5 [*]now don't check if platform blocks things when placed [*]now doesn't matter if critters are blocked by placed blocks (Delilah) [*]now doesn't matter if entities that can't move, can't be hurt, or can't be attacked are blocked by placed blocks (Delilah) [*]fixed a skill immunity problem - which fixes killing critters with pickaxe (Delilah) [*]now update screen/clients more when smoothing blocks, settling loose solids, and settling liquids (mostly so clients don't time out when server is transitioning to a new area) [*]hooked up tailoring station model [*]now ambushes have a MinLevel of 5 [*]fixed liquid rendering - broke something while optimizing :( (probably fixed editor issue also) [*]increased FallingDamageMinSpeedMult for chest from 0.25 to 0.4 [*]moved lifestone/main gate up a little to prevent getting spawned underground [*]added a MinPlayerLevel of 5 to a few darkness level modifiers [*]ObjectTriggerLeverBlast & ObjectTriggerSwitchBlast now have a min level of 8 & 10 respectively [*]made Game::getEntitiesInRange only add to list if not already in the list [*]now dungeons can only spawn deeper down [*]now when highlighting an item block tells you GroundMaxSpeedMult, GroundAccelerationMult, GroundDecelerationMult, and GroundJumpImpulseMult if not 1.0 [*]added oil effect [*]added description to guard items to let player know when used they become a temporary party member [*]fixed anvilAdamantium.tga typo [*]fixed potionsStaminaNormalFlask.tga typo (not using stamina potions though) [*]fixed Shaman_orange.skn [*]fixed Warlock_orange.skn [*]no longer send client data messages to external server when only in fake game [*]now don't get Damage help topic until below 67% health (was <100%) [*]now don't get LowHeatlh help topic until below 50% health (was 75%) [*]turned off "Items on the ground" help topic [*]no longer get ObjectInteraction when near player lifestone/gate [*]moved WorldCarryOver help topic to pop up on win, lose, or lifestone takes damage (or level up as a backup) [*]fixed Base Gate help topic [*]fixed a couple foundation issues on houses [*]fixed a couple random torches in houses [*]fixed weird issues with 2 blocks in same block and one of them has custom slope blending [*]now correctly show block outline when highlighting a block that has a slope (because can place in deposit layer) [*]fixed missing Effects/brazierfire02.eff [*]fixed missing Effects/braizerfire.eff [*]fixed missing Sounds/Objects/torch.wav [*]fixed test_checkDatabase trying to find Explosion mdl in some database entries when they are projectile entries not models [*]fixed Skills/Mutations_Venomous.tga typo [*]fixed missing Models/Players/maleHuman/male_platearmorGold.tga [*]made other metal versions of Leatherworking station [*]now highlighting class choices shows class icon in highlight text [*]now highlighting class choices for 2nd/3rd class choice shows class description [*]removed a few platforms from houses [*]fixed cheat_winGame - not available in public builds :) [*]changed save version to 300 [*]made rock bounds a bit narrower so doesn't get stuck on edges so much [*]changed MapVersion to 9 (older maps should still work perfectly fine) [*]split loading screen into 2 textures [*]added some purpose text to starting quests [*]fixed a few item status effects that were trying to change player skin [/list]