This is kind of an experiment since at this point in time Din's Champion isn't even in Early Access yet. Since I'm already putting together a changelist for our weekly builds for the testers, I thought this might be interesting to some people who want to follow the progress of the game more. 0.725 change list: [list] [*]now cache vert lighting - fps increased ~21.3% [*]now only active entities think every frame, inactive entities think less often but still account for the full time, ~5.3% fps increase in test (could be much more if lots of entities) [*]changed BlockRenderSurface array to not use pointers - this and other BlockRenderSurface changes ~4.4% fps increase [*]changed ParticleRenderSurface array to not use pointers [*]now cache cull tile results - ~3.7% fps increase [*]now don't go through every single entity in the game to figure out what needs to be sent across to players [*]optimized minimap some - ~5% fps increase [*]fixed possible crash in GameClient::getHighestThreatQuestValue [*]sped up ClientSystem::getSelectionBounds (now only check 2 points instead of 8 - because of side view don't need to) [*]now put town attack icon on map where last damage was taken [*]now partially compress server messages to local client (saved about 28% space of single player data message in test) [*]no longer save server messages to local client - not needed (wasted space/cpu time) [*]now client & server keeps _workingPackedData around so not allocating space every message [*]now server keeps _savedMessageData around so not allocating space every message [*]changed x, y, _blockShape, and _blockBackgroundShape in blocks to 8 bits instead of 32 bits (saves 12 bytes per block) [*]now numChunks sent across network uses 10 bits instead of 32 bits [*]now 8 of the recruit stats sent across network use less bits [*]fixed Ninja and Elementalist going over max skill limit [*]increased Guardian HealthMult from 2.0 to 3.0 [*]killing a critter no longer counts in any kill stats [*]fixed an issue buying stacked items, having no room to put it anywhere, and 1 count of the item would disappear [*]now non-basic blocks on ground have item effects [*]now background objects don't get in the way of things like player teleporting in to that spot [*]now shows better than + on crafting screen on items that are better than what you have currently equipped [*]pickaxe no longer tries to do damage to surrounding things when hits a block [*]monsters will no longer attack OpaqueWorld objects when something is in their way [*]removed all unused data from BlockRenderSurface [*]now wells have a NoDuplicatesInRange of 1000.0 (Eric) [*]fixed cap on boss retreats not working correctly [*]increased MaxLiquidsToProcessEachFrame from 300 to 400 [*]replaced several cursed magic modifiers on unique items with non-cursed magic modifiers (Delilah) [*]decreased SkillKrallEarthquake UseCheckChance from 0.05 to 0.03 [*]fixed pick axe anim on other player only drawing about half of animation - needed CHAR_STAT_ATTACK_SPEED_IN_MS & CHAR_STAT_SKILL_SPEED_IN_MS [*]now lifestone healths scale with number of town npcs correctly [*]now obelisks, lifestones/healthstones, signs, and buttons/levers all won't spawn too close to another object of its type [*]fixed not getting some npc messages (started fight, stopped fight, left town, etc) [*]fixed npc skill levels not getting sent to clients [*]now town attack quest location more accurate [*]now show yellow + on items and crafting if item is better than something on your hotbar [*]fixed not being able to look at town npcs from npc screen that are too far away [*]fixed a gravity problem with liquids sometimes inverting terminal velocity and bouncing things upwards [*]now if applying more than 1 frame time of gravity, stops applying if doesn't move in a frame [*]now if pathing fails a couple times, melee behavior will clear enemy [*]fixed liquids and gases not marked as non-solid (confusing some stuck stuff) [*]now if Actor::tryAttackBlocks doesn't have a valid position, ignore it [*]improved ReturnHome behavior if fail pathfinding [*]improved Idle behavior if fail pathfinding [*]can no longer place blocks on top of monsters or players [*]added ItemTypeCraftingStation translation [*]critters can no longer get special miss types [*]rebuilt brick slope textures with clamping [*]fixed a few effects using fog1.tga without additive (making them almost black) [*]replaced trade skill level up to something that doesn't sound like a windows sound [*]turned off ObjectGroundCrack & ObjectCeilingDrip for now [*]fixed getting running backwards animation stuck some times [*]increased variation in pitch on almost all pain sounds [*]added pain sounds to brutes [*]separated BlockRenderSurface / TileRenderSurface (just a duplicate right now) [*]made tile determination in GraphicsSystem::renderSurface project specific to optimize it [*]got rid of generateNonSquareTileGeometry (in block path now) [*]now fix surface pointers if block/particle arrays resize (problem never live) [*]snd file can now specify a next sound to play - can't point to self, can only chain 10 times (infinite loop prevention) [*]improved some anvil sounds (3 dings instead of 1) [*]improved night started sound (3 bells instead of 1) [*]now show bag capacity when almost or completely full [*]fixed braziers and torch models always being fullbright [*]removed blood from impale attacks [*]decreased lurker scale from 1.0 to 0.75 [*]changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 133 [*]at least for now chest names are limited to letters, numbers, and spaces [*]added wind sway to more plants [*]fixed a way lighting could be slightly off on blends & cracks [*]fixed a way lighting could be off by a full tile on block hit shake (never live) [*]added a "Can't drop item from hotbar!" warning [*]now NoDuplicatesInRange just does exact copies [*]now can specify NoDuplicatesBase to be more specific on which base things don't want duplicates of [*]fixed dropItem calls in cheat_playtest [*]changed fire and frost novas to move in z instead of y direction [*]now vendors have a max of 2 unique items [*]guards no longer show up as better than items (nothing to compare to) [*]player can no longer teleport to a position that has no tile or block (just a precaution) [*]turned QuestUniqueMachineIce off for now [*]placed torches should now go out if under water [*]decreased torch WeatherTime from 10.0 to 5.0 [*]made signs smaller and fixed their bounds so they should fit places better [*]fixed particle pointers when make array larger (never live) [*]made Infernal Hound texture darker [*]fixed gravity applying full amount for inactive entities all at once (instead of a frame time at a time - never live) [*]added printNumActiveEntities [*]now items that aren't falling, attachments, and effects no longer go active [*]now items can be marked as CantGoActive (for now simple plants, rocks, trees, and fiber plants) [*]critters should now be immune to the pickaxe (Delilah) [*]no longer save dig target entities for trapped monsters [*]for now turned off ObjectSteamLeakGround (infinite water source) [*]removed 3d block path - not maintained so mostly broken [*]removed top blend stuff since no longer supporting 3d blocks [*]fixed screen shake getting added to view twice which was causing some gaps in block drawing [/list]