This version is a bit of a hotfix in order to fix a crash seen by first time users that didn’t visit the settings screen before trying to enter a new world. For now any setting changes you make will be cleared when you launch Aiyana again. This will be fixed in the next release. [b]New additions[/b] [list] [*]None [/list] [b]Functionality changes [/b] [list] [*]Updated the feedback form to include the Unity version number rather a custom tracked one [*]Moved the transforming block logic to after a chunk rebuilds. This should prevent a potential rare crash [*]Improved how the saving queue and the chunk queue work together to prevent stalls when both queues are waiting on each other to finish [*]Ensured animals cull their shadows at a distance [*]Reworked some of the lore system with food relations to animals to use the new linked percentages workflow [/list] [b]Bug fixes[/b] [list] [*]Fixed a crash caused by a bad grass setting [*]Fixed a bad error where light was flagged as readonly but it was also being written [*]Properly fixed a null error in the crowd manager this time! [*]Fixed issues around being able to break a block in one full hit [*]Fixed not being able to walk through an open gate [*]Fixed player placed grass looking really bright compared to grass in the world [*]Fixed timings issues for transforming blocks so they transform at their intended rate (50s instead of 5s) [/list]