Author: Laireon Games,
published 5 months ago,
This release builds on the last and focuses on bug fixes. Most notable one is that I've fixed various inventory issues around losing items caused by additional hot bars
[h3]Stone Doors[/h3]
To keep myself sane, since working on just bugs all the time gets frustrating, I've updated the stone doors crafting recipe to let you craft various stone types
[*] Fixed a major source of inventory corruptions with additional hotbars were sometimes an item would get replaced by a different one on another hot bar
[*] Fixed not being able to walk through doors
[*] Fixed the furnace UI not animating the icon positions if you consume a full stack of something
[*] Fixed potions and other items losing their properties when dropped from a chest being destroyed
[*] Fixed the thermometer icon getting stuck on the grid slot after unequipping the thermometer
[*] Fixed some issues with saving small negative numbers that would prevent rain settings from saving properly
[*] Fixed the farmer buff not being removed properly when you apply a new potion
[*] Updated some info text on the feedback form
[*] Added a setting to control hearing the idle audio of the mining light spell
[*] Fixed meshes getting stuck to the structure previews, this would result in things like invisible windows
[*] Fixed multiple prefabs getting stuck to structure previews
[*] Fixed the selection highlight staying active on the misc equipment section after equipping something via click
[*] Fixed inventory UI being blank after equipping a thermometer
[*] Fixed the continue button staying active even after it failed to find the last known files
[*] Fixed the structure stake tutorial overlapping with the always on version of the spells bar
[*] Fixed structure stakes placing in strange positions
[*] Fixed the equip armour section sometimes not appearing for some save files
[*] Fixed cobbled orthoclase blocks not counting as a stone for crafting recipes
[*] Fixed the alchemy screens message to say missing vials being stuck on screen even after making more
[*] Fixed items on other quickbars not being found for cooking or torch fuels
[*] Fixed some stone blocks from being smeltable in the furnace
[*] Added more crafting recipes to be included in the Misc tab
[*] Updated the door crafting recipe to require cement, but gives 2 doors per craft
[*] Disabled seeing some crafting recipes you shouldn't be able to craft yet
[*] Optimised pickups left in the world that are pretty far from the player by ignoring them for physics etc