Author: Laireon Games,
published 6 months ago,
I’m making good progress on Key Binding but some fairly big bugs have come up from the last patch, mainly UI not being properly clickable with a FOV other than 60.
[*] Halved Protection Totems durability
[*] Fixed gold and silver swords not having icons set properly
[*] Fixed an error caused by wisps being unloaded that hadn't been triggered to move
[*] Fixed tooltips not cleared when swapping hot bars
[*] Fixed the main menu not showing if you are holding movement keys during the menu load
[*] Fixed worlds being listed twice in the loading worlds screen
[*] Fixed world spaces UI (crafting etc) not properly respecting FOV changes, causing clicking hit boxes to be off
[*] Another attempt at fixing localisation issues with float values/strings
[*] Fixed some bad logic calculating the region index that would cause problems past region 16
[*] Added a check to scan and remove duplicate totems data on load
[*] Added a safety check for a crafted tool being null