October 9, 2023 Update Details
Author: GO_Killzone,
published 1 year ago,
[*] Fixed an issue where Daggers can attack from long range.
[*] Adjusted the position of the weapons on the player's back. Now looks more natural.
[*] Removed "BoP (Binds on Pickup)" texts on Legendary items.
[*] Fixed and issue with the Health System for characters where it switch to 0 when you equip an item.
[*] Fixed the missing portal mesh/model in Mandara Village.
[*] Items that increases Tapas points (TP) will now only increases Maximum TP Value.
[*] Fixed the issue of the quest indicator position for Shakti Statue. Where it was hard to see prior.
[*] Fixed an issue with the idle mode to combat mode. It should now waits for 15 seconds before you can equip item if you are in combat mode.
[*] Adjusted the font size of lootable items on the ground.
[*] Fixed an issue with the discrepancy of stats for Item Rarities. Its now using a new formula.
[*] Unified the cooldown of Zilakhamans and other consumables.
[*] Starting weapons can now be sold to NPC but cannot be traded or dropped.
[*] Fixed an issue with the combat stance that allows the players to swap weapons while in combat.
[*] Fixed the Deva/Garuda weapon positioning on idle mode.
[*] Fixed an issue where you can trade negative gold. It is not possible now.
[*] Added selection indicator when you select/click a player.
[*] Yaksa/Gandharva will now face their target when giving a buff or heal.
[*] Monster AI Behavior fixed. Some of them are now back to being aggressive.
[*] Added Stun VFX.
[*] Fixed an issue where the game client crashes after selecter shambala monsters.
[*] Updated the icons for all Bag Expansion items.
[*] Fixed an issue where Asura, Rakshasa, Naga & Kimnara can swap weapons bypassing the 15 second combat mode rule.
[*] Fixed an issue where Trade Window does not close after successful trade.
[*] Fixed an issue where character slides while casting a skill then pressing R (attack command).
[*] Mandara Dungeon Jumping puzzle fix.
[*] Removed collision on Chains in the Mandara Dungeon jumping platform.
[*] Removed monster respawn mechanics in all Mandara Dungeon Monsters. (The dungeon is instance, monster resets per instance.)
[*] Added Tribe description in character creation.
[*] Fixed an issue where monsters moving towards the center of the world/map.
[*] Fixed Bairaba's skill description. It now says how much HP it steals from target.
[*] Fixed Nara's Shop. He should now be selling accessories according to the area's level.
[*] Restored {TAB} as target Key. You can still use {E} to retarget.
[*] Fixed an issue where Character profile button blinks while you dont have a stats to put in.
[*] Added a Tooltip when you hover to the Chakras in your character profile.
[*] Reduced the font size of the class texts in Skill Window.
[*] Nagamudra Hima's min & max attack has been reduced by 50%.
[*] Nagamudra Hima's HP has been reduced by 50%.
[*] Rasenasu's min & max attack has been reduced by 40%.
[*] Reduced all monster exp rewards in Shambala by 50%.
[*] Reduced all monster grop reward in Shambala by 30%.
[*] Fixed Devachanda of Muscle text name.
[*] Reduced the respawn time of Mandara monsters.
[*] Buff slots in mandara monsters should appear properly now.
[*] NPC Shop sorted.
[*] Mandara
[*] Kirika now only sells Chori & Acchada armors
[*] Shambala
[*] Priestess Ashuri now Sells Varman armors
[*] Shields are moved to weapon shops
[*] Mandara weapon shop now sells up to level 18
[*] Shambala weapon shop now sells up to level 36
[*] Jina weapon shop now sells up to level 38+
[*] Trashloot's texts now uses the default game font.
[*] Added Text objective for the quest "Amar's Message".
[*] Added Shop to some Jina NPC
[*] Wangddaopo
[*] Ouyez
[*] Rui Shan
[*] Improved the character creation and added more details to the classes, tribes & jobs.