October 30, 2023 Update Details
Author: GO_Killzone,
published 1 year ago,
[*] - Basic cane can now be sold.
[*] - Fixed the player protection buff where sometimes you receive damage from monster after spawn.
[*] - Fixed an issue where adding Chakra of Mental to Deva/Garuda does not increase the Tapas Value (TP).
[*] - Fixed the shield sizes on Deva/Garuda.
[*] - Fixed an issue that you lost all player controls for Deva tribe when you stand up after sitting.
[*] - Fixed an issue where the Skill window cannot be closed by {ESC} Key.
[*] - Fixed the reward for the quest "The best coal for smithing".
[*] - Fixed VFX for poison.
[*] - Fixed an issue where the Deva/Garuda slides towards the target after casting a skill.
[*] - Fixed the Deva/Garuda Active Time, Casting Time & Apply Time.
[*] - Fixed the ranges of bow skills.
[*] - Fixed an issue where bow's attack range is shorter and randomly increasing.
[*] - Added more wings!
[*] - Fixed an issue with the Poison VFX where it does not disappear after the duration ended.
[*] - Fixed an issue where some Deva/Garuda skills misses the target if it moves further from the attacker.
[*] - Added a feature that allows the player to swap weapons (weapon only) while in combat mode.
[*] - Fixed an issue where Anu Village portal was missing.
[*] - Deva/Garuda's casting rate is now bound to the weapon they use.
[*] - Added Smelting feature for enhancement stones.
[*] - Added padlocks on the locked inventory slots as an indicator that it can be expanded.
[*] - Fixed an issue where your camera zooms-in while you are scrolling on in game windows.
[*] - Updated the Heruka death animation.