[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44281218/3d1f6cf3b100292dfd8fa681c72e7fba76ea3118.png[/img] [list] [*] - Fixed bunny hopping. Bunny hop occurs when you can still jump mid-air after pressing space bar. [*] - Fixed Rauti redudancy in skill requirement. [*] - Fixed an issue where monster chases you after its supposed agro distance. Now it should go back to its spawn point and regenerate its HP back to 100%. This also trigger if monster does not receive damage after 30 seconds. [*] - Updated the monster spawn rate. [*] - Added Profession Master NPC in all available towns. [*] - Added Smelting Recipe to the loot tables. [*] - - Surapa Recipe : MD and Shambala [*] - - Prajati : Jina and Shambala Dungeon [*] - - Sambadu: Pamir [*] - - Gavi: Exile (+ Meghamalin) [*] - - Sambadu : ET (+ Nagamudra Hima) [*] - Added Jina Monster loot table. [*] - Added Shambala dungeon loot table. [*] - Added Shambala Boss loot. [*] - Added Shambala Boss spawn. [*] - Added the possibility of items to obtain 0 to 3 stars. (Extra Stats) [*] - Fixed an issue where sometimes Deva/Garuda's basic attack does not deal damage. [*] - Updated all Deva/Garuda Skill Description. [*] - Fixed an issue where Wings Stats stacked after equipping another wing type. [*] - Added more stats options to the star system. [*] - Item durability is now only visible for Armors & Weapons. [*] - Fixed the projectile vfx of Lahari Mantra where it does not get destroyed on impact. [*] - Added Suffix System on top of Stars System. This means that the item with stars will now contain suffixes! [*] - - This only applies to Rare, Epic & Legendary Items. [*] - Item Rarity from Rare, Epic & Legendary will now be added as "Prefixes" for the name. [*] - - Example: Legendary Chori Armor [*] - - So, if I pick up a Legendary Chori Armor with 3 stars and has a +40 HP on it. [*] - - - The item will be called: Legendary Chori Armor of Strong Life [*] - Feature added animated NPC Dialogue. [*] - Fixed an issue where melee classes abruptly stops when the target moves. [*] - Added a feature to not show the item type in the tooltips for Helm, Chest, Pants, Gloves & Shoes. [*] - Unified the Classes into Monk, Wizard, Warrior & Assassin in the item tooltip. [*] - Set all Area of Effect (AoE) Skills to have maximum of 5 targets. [*] - Smelting can only be learned after level 10. [*] - Deva/Garuda no longer use auto attack (normal attack) after casting a skill. [*] - Added NPC dialogue for all NPC in Mandara & Shambala. [*] - Fixed an issue where Frosana Batia & Lahari Mantra has no maximum target in settings. [*] - Fixed an issue with Rauti's pre-requisite skill. [*] - Fixed item tooltip & descriptions on NPC Shops when you hover on the items. [*] - Reduced Libertine's walk distance to make sure he will not wander outside of Coliseum. [*] - Fixed an issue where you are able to cast Augni while already casting a normal attack. [*] - Fixed an issue where the Widget locations are not being saved. [/list]