[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images/44281218/323b37b9c9d93da081cd4d651b7298c0b70eaf3c.png[/img] This week, we opened Jina Fortress, various skill fixes, added quality of life to portals and increased the level cap for this playtest up to level 60! [list] [*] - Added Jina Monster spawns [*] - Added Jina Boss spawns [*] - Unified the "Upgrade/Enhance" to "Refining/Refine" [*] - Fixed an issue with the stats where it stacks when you switch armors or accessories [*] - Fixed an issue with the "additionals stats" where it becomes zero when you remove 1 equipped accessory [*] - Added Jina Village to Ziva Pustika & Portal in Shambala [*] - Added BGM on Shambala Dungeon & Jina [*] - Fixed Roaming NPC [*] - Fixed an issue where some Melee monsters in Jina has wrong range [*] - Fixed an issue where Choniokusin is set as Range type monster [*] - Fixed an issue with Zaku Guso, Zinmon Guso & Sinkiu Guso where when it spawned it will walk into straight line [*] - Refinement level is now shown when an item with Refinement is dropped [*] - Fixed an issue with the floor collision in Mandara Temple where the player foot is inside it [*] - You cannot drop item with Refinement level [*] - Fixed an issue with Baluka where its not incrementing the damage of Naga [*] - Fixed an issue where you can equp a shield while already equipping 2 handed weapons such as spears [*] - Fixed an issue with Baruna Force [*] - Updated the Loot Ownership to 2 minutes. [*] - - For the first 2 minutes, only the owner of the item can pick it up, after that the item goes into free for all (anyone can pick it up) [*] - Fixed Ulkamukha spawns where they sometimes spawns on unreachable terrains or too grouped up [*] - Fixed an issue with the storage where it has 1 extra hidden slot when your storage is full. [*] - Added different BGM (Background Music) on Towns & Combat Zones for Mandara & Shamabala [*] - Fixed an issue with Svitri Force formula, the skill should now reflect the proper damage according to skill level [*] - Fixed the description of Spura Asara where it does not show the damage increase per skill level [*] - Fixed an issue in the storage's sorting function where collectibles such as "small horns" are labeled as refining items. [*] - Updated the Refinement level of stones & its chances [*] - Added SFX during the refinement process [*] - Updated & fixed all the monsters & bosses run speed [*] - Fixed an issue with the stuttering character movement [*] - Increased the purchase cost of Ziva Pustika from 1g to 3g [*] - Added Jina Portals [*] - Fixed an issue with Yaksa's idle animation [*] - Fixed an issue with Acchada armor where it uses Chori meshes when worn by Gandharvas [*] - Suffixes from Star System will now use "and %SuffixName%" instead of "of %SuffixName" if its an accessory - - This will make the item naming scheme less confusing. - - - Before the changes, when you pick a ring that has fire resistance and a star stat with mental, it will be named "Ratna of Flame of Intelligence". [*] Now it should be: "Ratna of Flame and Intelligence" [*] - Fixed Baruna Force - - For Naga: Baruna Force now only gives +Accuracy - - For Yaksa: Baruna Force still gives +Accuracy & +Avoidance [quote][b]Developers Note[/b] There are skills with the same name and is being used by Yaksa/Gandharva & Naga/Kimnara. While they share the same skill name, each skill gives different stats per class. [/quote] [*] - Fixed an issue with Andra Zalas where the tooltip doesnt update to the skill level being used [*] - Fixed an issue where Deva/Garuda slides towards the target when using normal attacks [*] - Fixed an issue with the Classic UI display where it does not show the damage received in your character profile if the setting is disabled [*] - Fixed a visual bug where the 1st digit of the Min EXP, Max EXP, HP, TP & other character parameter is not shown when value goes beyond 5 digit [*] - Added VFX to Jina Portals [*] - Fixed an issue with Braha where it has wrong required level [*] - Added Jina Portals also added a portal from Jina to Anu Village [*] - The wings worn by a deleted character will automatically lost ownership and can be equipped again by any of the characters within your account (note that only 1 character per wing can be worn at a time) [*] - Added commas to the damages when damage is above 4 digits [*] - Fixed an issue with the Shambala Side Quest "Unfortunate Result" where Saranu takes the end quest. Now it should be Vibvan. [*] - Fixed an issue where Abandoned Side quests resets after taking portals [*] - Fixed an issue where using a portal in Jina will teleport you on an unknown zone [quote][b]DEVELOPER'S NOTE[/b] We have updated the teleport system and improved it a lot. We also removed the Loading screen if the player is teleporting within the same map. This is just the start of the improvements to the Teleport System, later we will implement the seamless travel.[/quote] [*] - Fixed an issue with some objects in Jina where it does not have any collisions [*] - Fixed Spura Asara - - We fixed the description as it was misleading - - The damage now affects each hits (max of 5 hits) - - The description how shows how much damage per hit gains per level [*] - Fixed an issue with Bairaba where it does not properly "steal" hp upon hitting a target. [*] - Fixed an issue with Bairaba's skill description [*] - Fixed an issue where Wings can be worn by other characters while its currently being equipped [*] - Removed the quest "Voucher of Kings" from being obtained since there's no Shambala Dungeon, will be reverted once the map is available. [*] - Updated Jina Main Story Quest, Vananta now sends you as an envoy to visit Jina Fortress [*] - Added all Monster SFX to Jina monsters [*] - Fixed an issue where Client crashes after using portal or ziva pustika going to Jina Fortress [*] - Fixed the Volume Control [*] - Fixed an issue with Smelting profession where your progress is not being saved after using portals or switching maps [*] - Fixed an issue with Jina NavMesh where click-to-move does not work [*] - Fixed an issue with Choniokusin in Tower of Silence where they dont spawn properly [*] - Fixed an issue with the Jina Main Story Quest (MSQ) where it resets after taking portals or changing characters [*] - Level cap increased to 60 [*] - Fixed an issue with the animation of Nara & Naro where they dont go idle [/list]