October 16, 2023 Update Details
Author: GO_Killzone,
published 1 year ago,
[*] You can now see how much Chakra you received from buffs/items/skills in your character profile (c).
[*] Increased max level to 50.
[*] The Quest window will now auto pop-up from the same NPC after completing a task if the same NPC has a new quest.
[*] Fixed an issue when attacking using daggers will auto switch to idle mode after casting kill or attacking normally.
[*] Updated the API to fix an issue where learned skill keeps getting unlearned or missing.
[*] Fixed the positioning of Stun VFX (stars above head).
[*] Removed colission from the monster corpses.
[*] Fixed the distance where Yaksa/Gandharva can buff or heal their targets.
[*] Fixed an issue with the Deva/Garuda's basic attack. The projectile now does not miss their targets like arrows.
[*] Fixed an issue with Bow where it says you dont have arrows while its being equipped.
[*] Added a feature that tooltips for secondary weapon slot only shows when you are wearing 1 hand weapons.
[*] Fixed an issue with the volume control not functioning properly.
[*] Updated the Command lists in the Settings.
[*] Removed motion blur and is set to 0 as default.
[*] Set the Minimum & Maximum value of Gamma Slider in the settings menu from 0 to 3 with an interval of 0.5 per tick.
[*] Fixed the healing value of Rohati.
[*] Envinronmental Hazard: Lavas in Mandara dungeon now damages you 1% of your HP per second.
[*] Fixed Yaksa's wing position.
[*] Added a feature that tells your level goal in order to complete a quest if the quest has a level requirement.
[*] Fixed a critical issue where Mantra Shield's buff stacks.
[*] Updated the Skill Description for the following Tribes.
[*] Naga
[*] Kimnara
[*] Asura
[*] Rakshasa
[*] Gandharva
[*] Yaksa
[*] Fixed an issue where quests reset sometimes.
[*] Fixed knockback distance of Gatana Skill by level.
[*] Fixed an issue with Deva's casting speed that will randomly drop significantly.
[*] Fixed an issue where melee can attack from distance while standing on certain platform.
[*] Fixed an issue where you can cast a skill using different weapon that is required.
[*] Fixed an issue where you can hear an arrow shooting sfx when casting buff while wearing a bow.
[*] Fixed the FSR & RTX fields in the settings menu.
[*] Monster corpses now despawns properly.
[*] Fixed shield position when deva wears it.
[*] Fixed cooldown of Rohati.
[*] Fixed skill description of Abari, Mantra, Augni Guna & Hima Guna.
[*] Fixed Shambala portal names.
[*] Synced the Map & Minimap in Shambala Area.
[*] Updated the description of High-Quality items.
[*] Added more traps in Mandara Dungeon.
[*] Reduced the size of inventory slots.
[*] Improved the monster AI. It now returns to spawn point and gets 100% healed if it does not receive constant damage.
[*] Fixed the rohati skill where it does not properly heal when you try to attack then heal.
[*] Fixed an issue where players lost their party when they die or respawn.
[*] Added a feature that will automatically opens the next quest when you are delivering and completes a quest when talking to an NPC.
[*] Added Spanish Localisations (first pass)
[*] Skill Localization
[*] Asura / Rakshasa Skills
[*] Naga / Kimnara Skills
[*] Yaksa / Gandharva Skills
[*] Deva / Garuda Skills
[*] Increased the amount of Shambala Monster spawns
[*] Monster AI now knows if they are in dungeon or open world. It will now go full agressive if they are inside dungeons.
[*] System log text fixes.
[*] Unified skill names, removed all caps.
[*] Bisa Rada now properly applies poison damage.
[*] Fixed an issue where you accidentally level up a skill when you try to drag it as long as you meet the requirement.
[*] Added level requirements to all quests.
[*] Fixed an issue where Rohati, Taras & Basati stops you from moving after you casted the skills.
[*] Fixed the bow position in Rakshasa.
[*] Fixed Shambala water pools to not get player stuck.
[*] Improved VFX to item Rarity loots.
[*] Fixed an issue where players can swap items while in combat.
[*] Fixed an issue where players are able to sit while in combat.
[*] Fixed an issue where you cannot use R & F key while in Spanish Language settings.
[*] Fixed an issue where "switch class" during character creation doesnt work.
[*] Added Charms (Accessories)
[*] Added level 19 Bulletin Board Quest "[Collect] Mara's Bloods".