Addressing Server Issues & Information
Author: GO_Killzone,
published 1 year ago,
[h1]Server News & Information[/h1]
The first week of our Playtest has been very bad experience for our players as the servers were close to non-responsive.
It took us longer than expected to fix the issue.
While we worked on the bug reports that our Adventurers reported in our discord server, we were also fixing the server's incapability to properly allow the players enjoy the game.
After few days of hard work, we proudly announce that we have fixed the issue and the solution has been dispatched to our Playtest environment.
The fix applied not only significantly boost the ping, it also made the Frame rates even better!
While we continue to monitor the server status in our Playtest environment, we are also working on optimizing the maps starting in Mandara.
[h2]Reaching out to the community[/h2]
We understand that we have a responsibility to update steam store page for news & updates, we apologize for the lack of communications to our Steam Adventurers.
We have weekly updates in our Steam page and thought that was enough, we will do better in the future.
[h2]Alpha Test[/h2]
We are re-enabling the gear enhancement system by next week as well as add Jina, the 3rd major map of the game.
We will be constantly updating the servers with bug fixes that our adventurers reported.
Most of all, [u]we are extending the Alpha Test until January 2nd 2024[/u].
[b]Useful links[/b]
Official Website
Official Discord Server
Official Facebook Page
Official Youtube Channel