[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44281218/3eb1e33619b6f9bf0ee218d5b0ae73155fe29f3b.png[/img] [list] [*] - Applied proper Monster Sound Effects in Mandara - - Attacking SFX - - Idle SFX - - Running & Walking SFX - - Death SFX [*] - Your character now auto attacks the current target after casting attack-related skills. [*] - Using buff will not trigger combat mode anymore. [*] - Fixed [Collect] Mara's Blood Quest. It should now asks you to collect Srbinda tribesmen's bloods. [*] - Fixed the level goal for the quest Subjugate Vrca & Vrca Dara. You should be able to submit the quest when you complete it. [*] - Fixed an issue where Poison damage is still applied even if you miss the target. [*] - Implemented the Bronze Arrow. [*] - Updated the player marker in the map & minimap. [*] - Minor system log adjustments. [*] - Fixed Gem of Spirit item description. [*] - Show FPS & Show Ping is now turned off by default. [*] - Nagamudra Hima is now super agro and will not stop attacking you! [*] - Fixed an issue where the quest tracker doesnt track the side quests. [*] - Players below level 20 will no longer loss exp when monsters killed them. [*] - Monsters hit with Poison damage will now find its attacker. [*] - Players can now select themselves by: [*] - - Clicking on their avatar/model [*] - - Clicking on the player profile [*] - - Pressing T [*] - Fixed an issue where you get stuck when using portals going to Mandara. [*] - Fixed an issue where Player stops attacking randomly while engaging in combat. [*] - Players now follows their target if it tries to flee and continue attacking normally. [*] - Fixed an issue with Bow users that after login the game thinks you dont have any arrows and prevents you from shooting. [*] - Added the correct monster sound effects, synched with their animations. [*] - Updated the sit animation for Deva. [*] - Fixed a critical issue where monster drops double loots. [*] - Fixed the placement of Poison VFX. [*] - Fixed a critical issue where some skills does not work when you click on the ground while in between casting. [*] - Fixed animation cancelling on normal attacks. [*] - Fixed an issue where shields appear abnormally big on Rakshasa's back. [*] - Fixed an issue with the quest widget where it sometimes flicker & rearrange the quest when it gets a quest update. [/list]