December 11, 2023 Update Details
Author: GO_Killzone,
published 1 year ago,
In this week, we focus our development in Fixing the notorious server latency as well as fixing the bug reports from our players.
The following patch note has been applied to our Development Server and later will be applied to the Playtest Server.
A separate announcement will be posted when the patch for Playtest is ready.
[*] [h2]Server Stability fixed. [/h2]
Latency issue caused by the server's inability to properly send / receive requests from clients has been dealt with.
[*] - Fixed the typo in skill description widget for Naga/Kimnara.
[*] - Fixed Deva/Garuda normal attack animation loop
[*] - Anaka Kruma Optimizations
[*] - Mandara Optimizations
[*] - Baruna Force skill description fixes
[*] - Fixed an issue where ram usage spikes after using certain items
[*] - Fixed an issue with the Play button getting stuck
[*] - Fixed an issue with Garuda 2 handed weapon idle animation.
[*] - Fixed an issue where you cannot equip newly purchased wings
[*] - Fixed an issue with the music slider
[*] - Fixed an issue where "Server connection error" is blank\
[*] - Fixed an issue where the character slides when switching character
[*] - Fixed an issue with the players taking portals and gets stuck under map. Now the game will move the character to the unstuck location automatically when detected as stuck.
[*] - Fixed an issue where character slides when you click on the ground while its sitting.
[*] - Fixed Wangddaopo shop where he was selling level 30 gears.
[*] - Fixed Saranu shop where she was selling level 40 gears.
[*] - Fixed navigation in some part of Mandara
[*] - Fixed an issue where sometimes Learned skills cannot be used until you level it up
[*] - Fixed an issue with the Quest : [Sujugation] Hunt Visa Curmi where it does not count the kill towards the quest
[*] - Fixed an issue where the Enhancement window does not close when you press {ESC} key
[*] - Prevented users to throw Upgrade Stones during the process of Enhancement their gears
[*] - Updated the EXP curve from level 20 to level 99
[*] - Fixed an issue where sometimes your shield is automatically unequipped after taking portals
[*] - Updated the Level Gap System (Character Loot Penalty)
[*] - Inventory now opens when you interact with the Upgrade Altar
[*] - Fixed Flare effects
[*] - Fixed an issue with monster spawns where sometimes monsters spawned in different areas of the map
[*] - Fixed the Varabana Pants model for Garuda