[h2]General Fixes[/h2] - Fixed a bug that prevented character customization in both the character creation screen and the stylist. - Monster Spawn Rebuild - - Spawn timer reduced from 45s to 30s - - Spawn counts increased by 10 per spawner - Fixed an issue where quest `The bigger the boar, the more meat we get` that tells players to talk to Buvan instead of talking to Badru [h2]Character Customization System Update[/h2] - Removed duplicate customization indexes. - Removed unused, test-only (and broken) customization IDs / Indexes. - Updated missing classes in some rows. - Resorted data tables for improved organization (always: Naga, Kimnara, Asura, Rakshasa, Yaksa, Gandharva, Deva, Garuda). - Resorted certain structures for better clarity (IDs as primary key in most of cases). - Updated the CustomizationID checker function. [quote="Developer's Note"] This Character Customization Update addresses the issue where sometimes your character's appearance resets to default or sometimes your character will have missing hairstyles.[/quote] [h2]Feature[/h2] - Added Charm of Pamir Quest [h2]Inventory Refactor[/h2] - Fixed an issue where you cannot equip any items (affects new characters and old ones)