[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44281218/c9564e9e5be28525070c529a875ec6b6e6974725.png[/img] Greetings Adventurers! This week we are adding a new profession that synergies with Alchemy & Smelting. Enchanter is a profession where you can craft Booster Stones which will help with your refining of items. We also greatly improved our combat system, this makes your chain-skill more fluid! [h2]General Fixes[/h2] - Added VFX on target hit by Rauti Batia - Fixed the idle animation of Monks while equipped with Dullweapons - Fixed an issue where the running animation of Zarku Rudhira was missing - Added the proper weapon glow for level 58 weapons - Updated the projectile VFX of Rarama (Mage Skill) - Updated the onHit VFX of Rarama (Mage Skill) - Fixed an issue where the VFX of Prabeja is stuck on target - Fixed an issue where the inventory is locked out after refining - Fixed an issue where the refine button goes missing after refining - Fixed an issue with the Suffixes Stats where it does not properly activate when equipped - Fixed an issue where the mesh of the arrow is too big when you equip a quiver - Fixed an issue with Prabeja where the skill does not goes through the target (max of 3 targets) - Fixed an issue where monster's affected by Ajaka will not know what to do next after the fear effect is finish - Fixed an issue with Augni Lesman where the skill does not trigger the AoE effect - Updated the materials to craft Prajati, Sambadu, Uta Sambadu & Gavi - Updated the materials to craft Swift Elixirs & Spells Elixirs - Fixed an issue where the current refine level of an item does not update in the refining window when you succeed in refining the item - Minor update to the game loading screen - Fixed an issue with Hima OnHit VFX where its being applied to the caster not to the target - Fixed an issue where the VFX of Augni Lesman is floating above ground - Fixed a visual bug where it sometimes shows duplicated items when unequipping & logging in - Fixed an issue where the Success Rate added by Ramate does not update when you chance Refining stone during Refining - Added a message that will show if the Booster was a success or a failure during Refining - Fixed an issue where General Apvas is invisible - Fixed an issue where the target indicator does not disappear when you select a new target - Fixed an issue where Mangriang are floating above ground - Fixed an issue with Pizac Aggana where it was floating higher on ground - Fixed an issue with Aggana Tara where its touching the ground instead of floating above it - Fixed an issue with the Tabbed shops where it does not clear the cache and you will still see the previously visited shop on the next npc shop - Fixed an issue where the heal does not scale towards the Target's HP - Fixed a critical issue where you can drop item during trade - Fixed an issue where some NPC Shops breaks the texture of the game - Fixed an issue with Mandara dungeon where some walls are missing, holes in map & floating lightposts - Fixed an issue where only 1 Parazpa is shown when you equip it with refine level - Fixed an issue with Avatamsa Earrings where it has wrong item icons - Fixed an issue where monsters are spawning under the bridge in Mandara area - Fixed an issue where the progress bar is counting up from 0 to 1 instead of counting down from 1 to 0 - Fixed an issue where (Warrior) Frosana Batia's generates 600 threat instead of 300 - Adjusted the size of the fireball from (Mage) Rarama skill - Fixed an issue where the shop is missing from Dunchi - Fixed an issue where Puriyo (Ancient Choniokusin Field boss) does melee attacks instead of range - Increased the radius where the monsters pick-up the threat generated by Heal skill or Buff skills - Fixed a critical issue where Prabeja's hit collision stays and generates multiple damage to targets [h2]Feature & Contents[/h2] - You can now move the target indicator when using spells such as Rauti, Augni Suna & Hima Lesman - - You can cancel it by pressing Left CTRL Key (left control) - Updated the Casting-time progress Bar - Updated the Ingredient requirements for Alchemy, Smelting & Enchanter - - Alchemy now requires Enchanter items - - Smelting now requires Alchemy items - - Enchanter now requires Smelting items - - - So basically, these 3 profession will now need each other in order to progress - Added 3 Vials sold by Dunchi - - Empty Vial - - Leaded Vial - - Crystal Vial - Added New profession: Enchanting - - Enchanters are able to craft Booster Stones - Added Booster Stones - - Chattou - If refining fails, reduces the possibility of item going back to 0 by 20%. - - Nayate - If refining fails, reduces the possibility of item going back to 0 by 40%. - - Ramate - Increase refining success by 10% (Usable from +6 to +11) - - Abate - Increase refining success by 15% (Usable from +6 to +11) - - Vikari - If refining fails, 50% chance of recovering 50% of the gold cost. - - Kuntu - If refining fails, 50% chance of recovering the refining stone. - - Shamuk - If refining success, adds a 20% probability to increase 2 levels. - - Abatin - If refining success, adds a 40% probability to increase 2 levels. - - Bedante - Increase refining success by 10% (Usable from +12 to +15) - - Uta Ramate - Increase refining success by 15% (Usable from +12 to +15) - Quality of Life: Added Tab for NPC Shops - - All NPC Shops now has categorized tabs - Added Booster Stone Recipe to Loot Table - - Nayate Recipe - - Abate Recipe - - Uta Ramate Recipe - - Shamuk Recipe - - Abatin Recipe - - Ramate Recipe (World Drop) - - Bedante Recipe (World Drop) [quote]Developer's Note World Drop means, all monsters has a chance to drop it. The rest are field boss & dungeon boss only. Also note that there is a level gap penalty just incase you are wondering why the drop is low in your end.[/quote] - Added Precision Elixir & Evasion Elixir - - You can craft the new elixir from Alchemy profession - Added Evasion Elixir Recipe & Precision Elixir Recipe as drop from all Pamir field bosses [h3]Combat[/h3] - Various improvements to Combat System - - Includes collision ranges & visual indicators update