Hello everyone. This release fixes several bugs, and contains a few small additions.  Additionally, there was an issue with the Steam release earlier today (3/18) where it wouldn't start on Windows. This issue should be resolved now. Enjoy! [b]Spriter Release 7[/b] Released 3/18/2016 [u]Additions and Enhancements[/u] [list] [*] Changing speed curves in the timeline now applies to all selected keys [/*] [*] Added ability to copy and paste speed curves in keys [/*] [*] Added Custom File Setting to always also save an scml version of the file when saving scon [/*] [*] Added menu item and keyboard shortcut (L) to toggle hide/show guidelines [/*][/list] [u]Bug Fixes[/u] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where 'save a spritesheeted project' would do a normal save if you had "Never generate multiple spritesheets" selected in the Pack Images dialog [/*] [*] Fixed a bug where child objects would usually get keyed whenever their parent bones did [/*] [*] Fixed a bug where opening the character map editor dialog to edit an existing character map, the column for replacement images would instead display the original image file name [/*] [*] Fixed a bug Copy Selection to All Frames wasn't working correctly [/*] [*] Fixed a bug where some low resolutions would start incorrectly maximized until you restored and remaximized the window [/*] [*] Fixed a bug where an scml file saved with one or more empty character maps wouldn't load correctly [/*] [*] Fixed a bug where the timeline would scroll to the top when using the Next Key and Previous Key buttons or keyboard shortcuts. [/*][/list]