Hello everyone, We're happy to announce the release of a new Spriter update build. This new build involved making the switch to the latest version of the application framework (Qt). Community and internal testing shows improved performance and compatibility overall, but this is a big change from previous builds, so please back up your Spriter projects before using this new build and please let us know if any new issues occur. Beyond the improved performance and compatibility, this build offers several new features and improvements. Here's a brief overview : (full change-log at the end of this post)   [list] [*] This build seems to resolve the major visual issues for users with retina displays. [/*] [*] Mac users report a substantial improvement in performance (FPS), and there seems to no longer be a need to disable OpenGL, however, some Mac users will get better performance with it disabled so you should try both ways and see what works best for your system. [/*] [*] There's a new character map related color palette change feature for use with indexed color images (This new feature will be used heavily with our soon to be released RPG Animated art Pack and a SHMUP pack which will be released some time later.) [/*] [*] You can now move animations from one entity to another. [/*] [*] You can now specify custom trimming rectangles for export per animation. These settings are saved into your project. [/*] [*] You can now save and load character map stacks and palette swapping information separate from your project. (ideal for complex Spriter projects where characters can be created by activating many character maps at once.) [/*][/list]  Stay tuned for new quick-tip videos and documentation showcasing and detailing the usage of these new features in the coming days.  We look forward to your feedback and hope you enjoy these new features and improvements. Cheers!   [u]Spriter Release 5[/u] Released 12/11/2015 Additions and Enhancements [i](Manual entries and tutorial videos explaining new features coming soon)[/i] [list] [*] Upgrade application framework (Qt), which will enhance performance and improve compatibility [/*] [*] Added ability to reorder character maps [/*] [*] Added the ability to move animations from one entity to another [/*] [*] Added the ability to swap palettes for indexes color images [/*] [*] Added the ability to save and load scms (Spriter Character Map Stack) files which save the current character map stack and all currently applied palette swaps [/*] [*] Added the ability to set custom trimming rectangle settings for exporting per animation that get saved into the project [/*][/list] Bug Fixes [list] [*] Fixed memory leak when creating new character maps [/*] [*] Fixed bug where the right mouse button image strip to choose images for sprites wouldn't show up for images in subfolders more than 2 levels deep [/*][/list]