[h2]0.8.9[/h2][h2]Change Log[/h2] [b]Additions[/b][list][*]Added frame labels to the timeline[/*][*]Added on-screen transport controls[/*][*]Added ability to choose an object by clicking the background of its timeline label[/*][*]Added visibility control to choose whether to see timelines for all objects or only selected objects[/*][*]Timelines now highlight when the corresponding object is hovered or selected[/*][/list] [b]Changes and Enhancements[/b][list][*]Drastically reduced the profile for the timeline[/*][*]Timeline no longer vertically shrinks to fit visible timelines when resizing[/*][*]Increased speed of timeline zooming with mousewheel[/*][*]Changed the highlighted text background color for text input pop-ups to make it more readable[/*][*]Enhanced timeline label hover effect for better visibility of corresponding non-mesh objects in the canvas[/*][/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b][list][*]Fixed a bug where the cursor would appear below some ui objects when an alternate cursor was displayed for timeline or object resizing[/*][*]Fixed a bug where zooming in the timeline had jittering temporaral artifacts[/*][*]Fixed a bug where under certain circumstances scrollwheel wouldn't zoom into the timeline[/*][*]Fixed a bug where using the Next Key shortcut at a time after the last key would switch the time to the last key instead of wrapping around to the first[/*][*]Fixed a bug where resizing the timeline would offset the currently scroll position[/*][*]Fixed a bug where the timeline right-click menu still used the old behaviour of activating upon hover[/*][*]Fixed missing option labels for timeline right-click menu[/*][*]Fixed a bug where unintended value editor would display when right-clicking stroke keyframes[/*][*]Fixed a bug that caused timeline tick marks to disappear under certain zoom or scroll conditions[/*][/list] [b]Known issues[/b][list][*]Non-mesh children of strokes don't update in real-time when using ik[/*][/list]