[h2]0.8.7[/h2] [h2]Change Log[/h2] [b]Changes and Enhancements[/b][list][*]Added expand collapse controls to timelines[/*][*]Made control points for deformers attached to meshes appear under the hierarchy of each mesh in timeline[/*][*]Made all expandable timelines collapsed by default[/*][*]Hovering a timeline label now highlights the object the timeline refers to[/*][*]Hovering meshes now highlights them with an outline as well as revealing the wireframe[/*][*]Massive performance optimizations for situations where many objects are selected[/*][*]If the last control point of a contour deformer is removed, the mesh now remains selected even when there are no remaining points selected after the action. This allows for uninterrupted editing without the need to reselect the mesh.[/*][*]Expanded the default timeline label area to be more readable[/*][*]Simplified and shortened the names for most newly created objects (bones, meshes, strokes, etc)[/*][*]Made it easier to click keyframes close to the horizontal resize area for the timelines without accidentally resizing[/*][/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b][list][*]Fixed a bug where upon switching tools with the alt-shift scrollsheel shortcut to the falloff drag or smudge drag tools, the inner-radius would get altered by the scroll movement[/*][*]Fixed a bug where using smudge drag would leave objects in an ambiguous state, leading to unpredictable behaviour[/*][*]Fixed a bug where attempting to rotate a multi-selection immediately after selecting multiple objects would cause the multi-drag gizmo's rotation pivot to reset to the center as you started your drag[/*][*]Fixed a bug where undoing and redoing caused the current time to be set back to zero[/*][*]Fixed a bug where adjusting a second mesh's opacity would reset the original mesh's opacity[/*][*]Fixed a bug that made the timeline label display render backpanels incorrectly under many circumstatnces[/*][/list] [b]Known issues[/b][list][*]Stroke keyframes still show value editor even though you can't edit the values by right-clicking a keyframe[/*][*]Non-mesh children of strokes don't update in real-time when using ik[/*] [/list]