This update primarily advances runtime and plugin development through key engine enhancements. Additionally, we've improved rigging workflows for greater flexibility. [h2]0.9.5[/h2][h2]Change Log[/h2] [b]Changes and Enhancements[/b][list][*]Enhanced rigging workflow flexibility[list][*]Enabled detaching objects from bones[/*][*]Added functionality to remove mesh deformers[/*][*]Introduced the ability to apply mesh deformers both pre and post bone-attachment[/*][/list][/*][*]Implemented several save format revisions to support runtime development[/*][*]Comprehensive engine updates, crucial for enabling runtime development[/*][/list][b]Known issues[/b][list][*]Non-mesh children of strokes don't update in real-time when using ik[/*][*]Visual bug when images armed for adding swappable image and mesh in reposition mode[/*][*]Some pop-up ui elements appear below panels[/*][/list] [img][/img]