[h2]0.9.2[/h2] [h2]Change Log[/h2] [b]Additions[/b][list][*]Added step easing curve option[/*][/list] [b]Changes and Enhancements[/b][list][*]Implemented an isolated undo stack for Test Rig Mode, preserving the ability to toggle between undo and redo actions without without compromising the integrity of previous changes in the main undo stack.[/*][*]Laid the foundation for some frequently requested substantial overhauls of key UI elements.[/*][/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b][list][*]Multiple general stability fixes[/*][*]Fixed a bug where certain invisible rigging elements would affect automatic export box cropping[/*][*]Fixed multiple bugs where certain rapidly overlapping actions could cause display artifacts for ui animations[/*][*]Fixed a bug where attempting to switch to animation mode when already in animation mode would hide some of the ui elements[/*][*]Fixed a bug where locked object were still moveable with softdragging tools[/*][/list] [b]Known issues[/b][list][*]Non-mesh children of strokes don't update in real-time when using ik[/*][/list] Much requested UI updates coming soon: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//7187042/4b2ab041a7aaf7b6f33208bf77aa75020f26c572.gif[/img]