Spriter 2 Update Build 0.7 is available. We'll release another build and give you the details on what caused the delay before Christmas. Thanks for your patience. [h2]0.7[/h2] [h2]Change Log[/h2] [b]Additions[/b] [list] [*]Added scale to multi-select options (w/ optional resize from pivot (ctrl) and uniform scale (shift))[/*][*]Added arbitrary scale angle option to multi-select (right-click rotate[/*][*]Added rectangular marquee selection tool[/*][*]Added paint to select tool[/*][*]Added action and selection tool menus and indicators in the bottom right of screen[/*][*]Added shortcuts to navigate tool and selection menus without needing to directly click on menus (ctrl-shift mousewheel to switch current within current tool type or tab to switch between action and selection tool types)[/*][*]Added right click item in animation mode to objects to prevent a specific property from being keyed in that animation[/*][*]Added fall-off drag tool (soft drag)[/*][*]Added smudge drag tool (soft drag)[/*][*]Added contour mesh distortion (alt click along a line to add additional points. alt-click on a mesh to add a new contour. alt-clicking with a single contour end-point selected continues that contour[/*][*]Added right click item in animation mode to restore object selected properties to rig state[/*][*]Added right click item in animation mode to key or unkey specific properties[/*][*]Added double-click to select all control points of a mesh[/*][*]Added the ability to flip images on unconfirmed meshes[/*][*]Added the ability to see ghost images of swappable images when positioning unconfirmed mesh sprites[/*][*]Added transparency option for gif exports[/*][*]Added alpha channel transparency to png exports[/*][*]Added background color options for all exports[/*][*]Added ability to crop and pan export box and set export scale separately from window size[/*][*]Added button to crop export box to fit animation[/*][*]Added visual resizing and panning to export box[/*][*]Meshes can now be added to a single bone, even if the bone is in a chain[/*][/list] [b]Changes and Enhancements[/b] [list] [*]Added gradient background for images in image picker dialogue for greater visibility of some sprites[/*][*]Switched to a native file browser for loading and saving[/*][*]Made it so you can switch images that are already deconfirmed[/*][*]Multiple areas of the programs optimized for increased speed and responsiveness[/*][*]Faster png sequence export[/*][*]Mesh deformers can be added to all selected meshes at once[/*][*]Added separate tool to spawn strokes (with tool selected, alt-click to spawn, shift-click to redraw the currently selected stroke[/*][*]Upgraded Unity Engine version for stability and performance improvements[/*][*]Now adds one pixel transparent border to images on import to avoid texture edge stretching[/*][*]Removed pin deformation (replaced and superseded by contour deformation)[/*][*]Zoom is now based on original image pixels (100% default zoom will display undistorted image meshes at exact pixel size)[/*][*]Made export dialog much more compact[/*][*]Export initially crops and pans to fit animation [/*][*]Meshes now start out as basic quads until deformers are introduced[/*][/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Fixed a bug where double clicking an already confirmed mesh by mistake could affect future drag operations on control points unpredictably[/*][*]Fixed a bug where under certain circumstances changes to children weren't keyed correctly resulting in objects shifting after being moved[/*][*]Fixed bug where color picker would always initially open with color black selected[/*][*]Fixed a bug where incremental saves would fail for base filenames less than 5 characters in length[/*][*]Fixed a bug where all rigging points were visible after loading a project[/*][*]Fixed a bug where redoing creating a new mesh made it no longer drag-droppable in realtime in rigging mode[/*][*]Fixed bug where redoing creating a new mesh by dragging an image from file palette would flip the mesh[/*][*]Fixed multiple slowdown bugs that occured during ui updates [/*][*]Fixed multiple bugs where under certain circumstances if a UI element's animation was canceled part of the way through it could cause future animations to animate to the point where it was cutoff (resulting in smaller or half faded ui elements) [/*][*]Fixed a bug where under certain circumstances hidden points for unselected meshes would reappear when applying changes to unrelated objects[/*][*]Fixed a bug where sometimes a popup menu's enable animation would play twice[/*][*]Fixed a bug where under certain circumstances it was possible to break the positions of some popup menus resulting in them continuing to appear in the wrong spot for the remainder of the session[/*][*]Fixed a bug where hovering over the invisible deformer control lines of an unselected mesh would prevent a click from selecting the mesh[/*][*]Fixed a bug where hovering over the invisible deformer control lines of an unselected mesh would prevent the hover mesh glow effect from showing[/*][*]Fixed a bug where you could drag the invisible deformer control lines of an unselected mesh[/*][*]Fixed a bug where control points for mesh deformers wouldn't register hovers under certain circumstances[/*][*]Fixed a bug where the transform tool would restore back to zero degrees upon making a new selection[/*][*]Removed a bug where some superfluous wireframe generation operations during the triangulation would slightly reduce efficiency during the initial drag out of images[/*][*]Fixed a bug where cancelling too quickly after choosing new or load project would make the menu invisible[/*][*]Several general stability improvements to the rigging system[/*][*]Fixed a bug where after creating a multi-bone chain and adding a mesh, the cage control points wouldn't reappear when reselecting a bone[/*][*]Fixed a bug where attempting to drag and drop a mesh attached to multiple bones would start an unintended stroke drawing operation[/*] [/list]