We're working through all the new bug reports from the recent influx of testers after our first video tutorial. This build is focused on issues with object deletion. Some additional deletion bugs remain and we will continue to fix them in the upcoming builds. [h2][/h2] [h2]Change Log[/h2] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Fixed a bug where undoing bone deletion didn't work and caused other issues[/*] [*]Fixed a bug where attempting to delete a mesh would causes strange behavior, freezes, etc[/*] [*]Fixed a bug where sometimes bone or mesh deletion couldn't be redone under certain circumstances[/*] [/list] [b]Changes and Enhancements[/b] [list] [*]Made it so deleting a bone leaves the bone's children in place[/*] [/list] [b]Known Issues[/b] [list] [*]Meshes above a certain number of verts cause pin deformer to fail and leave the program in an unstable state[/*] [*]Undo and Redo don't always function correctly with the new features[/*] [*]Visual bug when dragging out new images. Sometimes image disappears momentarily[/*] [*]Double entries for images in z-order[/*] [*]Changes to z-order in rigging mode not reflected in animation[/*] [*]Occasional visual glitches while editing animations[/*] [*]Save and Load not working reliably in all situations[/*] [*]Images saved from certain image editors will acquire artifacts when they have antialiased edges where the alpha isn't fully opaque or transparent. These issues aren't exclusive to Spriter 2 and will affect any game engine that doesn't preprocess them. These pre-processing functions will be introduced in a future version, and can be ignored for now.[/*] [*]Dragging out more than one of the same image doesn't function correctly.[/*] [/list]