This build introduces a number of quality of life improvements that improve the feel of editing meshes and deformers.  Behind the scenes these a lot of work was done that will be used for some more substantial features over the next few builds.  A lot of work went into getting bones ready for primetime as well, though this is all on the backend and won't result in anything noticeable just yet.   [h2][/h2] [h2]Change Log[/h2] [b]Additions[/b] [list] [*]Blue control point lines can now be dragged to drag both connecting points[/*] [*]Holding shift on blue control point lines now drags all line segments across entire mesh deformer[/*] [*]Meshes with deformers can now be dragged to drag all control points at once[/*] [/list] [b]Changes and Enhancements[/b] [list] [*]Improved blue control point line feedback to enhance readability of control point layout[/*] [*]Currently hovered unselected meshes wireframe highlights for enhanced readability[/*] [*]Wireframe now disappears after a mesh is selected to reduce visual noise[/*] [/list] [b]Bug fixes[/b] [list] [*]Fixed a bug that prevented loading textures from within PSD files from previously saved projects[/*] [*]Fixed bug that caused temporary slowdown after dragging and dropping certain rigging elements for bones with ligaments[/*] [*]Fixed bug that caused slowdown by attempting to refresh timeline when switching to rigging mode[/*] [/list] [b]Known Issues[/b] [list] [*]Undo and Redo don't always function correctly with the new features[/*] [*]Visual bug when dragging out new images. Sometimes image disappears momentarily[/*] [*]Double entries for images in z-order[/*] [*]Changes to z-order in rigging mode not reflected in animation[/*] [*]Occasional visual glitches while editing animations[/*] [*]Save and Load not working reliably in all situations[/*] [*]Images saved from certain image editors will acquire artifacts when they have antialiased edges where the alpha isn't fully opaque or transparent. These issues aren't exclusive to Spriter 2 and will affect any game engine that doesn't preprocess them. These pre-processing functions will be introduced in a future version, and can be ignored for now.[/*] [*]Dragging out more than one of the same images doesn't function correctly.[/*] [/list]