This build is focused on bones and bone rigging and marks a large step toward 1.0. The focus over the next two to three weeks will be to improve in-editor documentation and help features to make it easy to pick up and play. [h2][/h2] [h2]Change Log[/h2] [b]Additions[/b] [list] [*]Added 'Z' shortcut to select all child bones and ancestors of selected bone[/*] [/list] [b]Changes and Enhancements[/b] [list] [*]Made bones thinner[/*][*]Made default mesh triangulation more triangulated (will be manually adjustable in a future update)[/*][*]Bones now work with save and load[/*][*]Made it so adding additional meshes to an existing bone rig recalculates suggested bounds for rigs[/*][*]Made it so assigning a new child to a bone or deformer doesn't select the child object (to make rigging larger characters more efficient and intuitive)[/*][*]Removed the ability to edit ligament control points outside of rigging mode (it was generally not useful and created interface clutter)[/*][*]Bone angle gizmo now takes precedent over bone bodies, making it easier to drag angles of parent bones[/*][*]Removed the need for the warning shortcut to enable bones. Bones are out of pre-alpha[/*] [/list] [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*]Fixed a bug that allowed two of the same bone parenting relationship to be created, causing buggy behavior[/*][*]Fixed a bug that caused overlapping rigging zones to attempt transformations multiple times causing buggy behavior (now subsequent rigs will ignore verts already assigned zones)[/*][*]Fixed bugs that caused multiple undos to be necessary to reverse certain single operations[/*][*]Fixed a bug causing buggy behavior when attempting to drag undraggable meshes[/*][*]Fixed a bug causing buggy behavior in other parts of a complex rig when dragging objects[/*][*]Fixed a bug where adjusting a mesh's reference angle or position in rigging mode caused buggy behavior[/*][*]Fixed a bug where after loading, adjusting a mesh's reference angle or position wouldn't reflect in real time while adjusting[/*][/list] [b]Known Issues[/b] [list] [*]Undo and Redo don't always function correctly with the new features[/*][*]Visual bug when dragging out new images. Sometimes image disappears momentarily[/*][*]Double entries for images in z-order[/*][*]Changes to z-order in rigging mode not reflected in animation[/*][*]Occasional visual glitches while editing animations[/*][*]Save and Load not working reliably in all situations[/*][*]Images saved from certain image editors will acquire artifacts when they have antialiased edges where the alpha isn't fully opaque or transparent. These issues aren't exclusive to Spriter 2 and will affect any game engine that doesn't preprocess them. These pre-processing functions will be introduced in a future version, and can be ignored for now.[/*][*]Dragging out more than one of the same images doesn't function correctly.[/*][/list]