Happy New Year! This was a big year as we released Spriter 1.0 and are now on Steam. We also released two new Art Packs, a new promo video, and a new site and forums. Now that the foundation is set, 2015 will be an exciting year for Spriter Pro owners. We already have some amazing unannounced features in the works that we can't wait to share once they're ready to be unveiled. I'm currently focused on creating a working, fully featured and well documented reference implementation. Once finished, this should make creating full Spriter support for any particular authoring system trivial. And we'll be focusing resources and efforts into helping developers port this to as many languages and authoring systems as possible. Originally we were going to make this a barebones implementation with support for all Spriter Pro features, but we've decided to take a bit longer and include several implementation and playback features that most developers will want in their arsenal. Sorry for our slow response times on the forums and tech support during the holidays. Don't worry, you haven't been forgotten, and we will respond and help you resolve your issues as soon as we can. We also realize there are a few open bugs with Spriter R2, and we'll do our best to fix them as soon as this implementation is complete. On a final note, the Steam Sale ends on January 2nd, so there are only two days left to get Spriter Pro for 50% off. Also on BrashMonkey.com Spriter Pro and all of our Art Packs and bundles are also 50% until January 2nd using the coupon code HAPPYHOLIDAYS. Thank you everyone for a great year, and we look forward to making 2015 an awesome year for Spriter users.