Billiard roguelike anyone? Rack and Slay is part of Steam Next Fest!
Author: Ludokultur,
published 9 months ago,
It’s [url=]Steam Next Fest[/url] and [b]Rack and Slay[/b] is participating to bring billiard roguelike wackiness to the event! The demo comes with 60 items featuring all kinds of fun combinations to explore, and full access to the 10-levels Crawl Mode through 20 difficulty levels.
As a reminder, here's what's coming to the [b]full version[/b] on top:
[list][*] Many [b]additional items[/b] to unlock for more complex effects and synergies.
[*] The shorter [b]Delve Mode[/b] with double the item rewards.
[*] The one-level [b]Raid Mode[/b] with random items for a quick burst of mayhem.
[*] [b]Daily Mode[/b] featuring a unique set of game-changing run modifiers every day.
[*] [b]Wild Mode[/b] for random (and sometimes pretty crazy) sets modifiers.
[*] Plus, obviously, all kinds of tweaks, fixes and polish all around.[/list]
If you like what the demo has to offer, please consider wishlisting the game. You probably have heard it quite a bit already, but it’s true that for a tiny indie dev project like this [b]every single wishlist makes a big difference[/b]! So seriously, thank you so much for checking out the game! ❤️
Finally, if you have suggestions for what could be added to the game, want to provide feedback, or you found a bug, please drop by the Steam forums, the [url=]Discord[/url] or let me know via [url=]Twitter[/url]! Your feedback has played a critical role in shaping the game the ever since the first version of the demo was released.
[b]Just some of the things that happened the past couple months:[/b]
[list][*] Replaced all item art in the game with shiny new graphics.
[*] Added a variety of 8-ball boss enemies to shake up your runs.
[*] Added many new objects, obstacles and collectibles for more variety.
[*] Lots of item reworks, balancing and new items for the full version.
[*] Improved difficulty scaling and more transparent difficulty selection.
[*] Quality-of-life improvements such as effect indicators and a new shot gauge.
[*] A new run-progression map so you can plan ahead for upcoming bosses.
[*] UI and look-and-feel improvements, including new sounds and visual effects
[*] Improved physics and stability even in extremely crazy combo situations.
[*] Hugely improved gamepad / Steam Deck controls.
[*] Countless bugfixes.[/list]
All this wouldn’t have been possible without your feedback, so [b]THANK YOU[/b]! All the best everyone and I hope you have an awesome Next Fest!
P.S. You can catch a live stream showcase of the game by Graeme of [url=]2 Left Thumbs[/url] this [b]Tuesday and Thursday (both 8 PM UTC)[/b].