Yesterday, our newsletter and Discord members received the latest of our development updates which means it's time to share with you all! We’re one month away from our early access launch, so we’ve locked in content and now we’re focusing on optimization, testing, and polish. To tide you over until our final, pre-launch August update, here’s a few highlights of recent additions to Dawn of Defiance and some general community notes. [h2]DEV UPDATES[/h2] [h3]Map Changes[/h3] [u][b]The Golden Path(s)[/b][/u] We know many gamers are terrible at making decisions and awful at directions (something something we never leave the house kekw), so paths have been carved into the landscape in select locations to assist those who find themselves forever stuck in the same mountain range for hours at a time. Whether you trailblaze or follow the paths, they lend character to the world and features to incorporate in your player builds! [img][/img] [u][b]Cave Systems[/b][/u] Personally, the main thing I look for in an open world game is the ability to roleplay as Smeagol, so great news, everyone! In our last full dev update, we told you caves were up next in the development pipeline, and we’re happy to confirm they’ve made good progress and will offer you new areas to explore in the Crossroads at launch and grounds for cave-dweller theatrics if you’re so inclined. As briefly shown in our first compendium entry, Ambrosia will be found in caves alongside enemies. And for those curious, yes! You can build underground! [img][/img] [h3]Audio Pass[/h3] [u][b]Cave Depths[/b][/u] Nothing curtails my incredible Smeagol RP more than being in an cave with no sound effects. That really inhibits my immersion. I would know; I’ve been in the situation frequently. But if you’re anything like me (a translucent little freak), you’ll be happy to know our cave overhaul included a new and improved audio soundscape! Take a sneak auditory peak at a moment underground. Watch your heads, please. [previewyoutube=LpKknRiRbUQ;full][/previewyoutube] [u][b]Mediterranean Music[/b][/u] So you’ve heard about sound effects, but what about music? As we’ve shared before, there are multiple biomes across the islands, and to give them each a unique flavor, so to speak— please, don’t lick the sand, gamers—we’ve collaborated with a composer to create different music mixes, such as the one below. Yeah, it’s getting kind of cinematic in here. I’m lore-walking everywhere. What do you think? [previewyoutube=urG2HQo46BY;full][/previewyoutube] [h3]Game Art[/h3] [u][b]New Facilities[/b][/u] What is a hero without good equipment? Dead, probably. Defiers will need to continue to expand their base with player facilities from spits to smelters. Creating and revising these crafting workbenches has been an important ongoing part of development, so we’re excited to see some of the final art for the stations come in, including the butchery table and hunters bench which allow you to scrap animal parts and convert pelts into gear, respectively. [img][/img] [b][u]Your Just Guide[/u][/b] You didn’t arrive in the Crossroads by chance. There’s a presence waiting for you across the water. He’ll need your assistance—and you’ll need his. With his guidance, Defiers will improve their skills and seek out shrines across the map. This mysterious figure is currently undergoing another art pass before we’ll introduce him in the launch trailer next month. For now, enjoy his brooding silhouette. I’m sure his front side is significantly less broody and intimidating, right? [img][/img] [h3]Player Progression‍[/h3] [u][b]Fast Travel[/b][/u] These islands aren’t small, and even with your glide ability, it would take awhile to cross from one side to another. A god would never walk, so why should you? By proving yourself on the Isle of Arrival, you open up the pathways between portals, allowing you to step through to different regions of the unlocked map. Needless to say, they’ve made the world feel much more accessible and long trial treks more convenient! [img][/img] [u][b]Deity Trials[/b][/u] On that note, our designers have made massive headway implementing the deity shrines of the Crossroads and their corresponding trials. At early access launch, you’ll be able to visit 8 of the final, planned 12 to complete the challenge, defile the altar, and earn rewards inspired by the Gods. Not only do the trials empower you, but they advance your cause on the isles, bringing you ever closer to ridding the Gods' presence from the Crossroads. [img][/img] [h3]Enemies‍[/h3] [u][b]Bad Guy Polish[/b][/u] We’ve been making small tweaks to existing enemies to make combat more seamless and enjoyable, such as wolves flinching and improved aim stance for Lost Archers. Perhaps the biggest improvements I’ve personally noted have been made to the Soldiers, previously unseen in our last two trailers due to an armor glitch! But they’ve finally put their clothes on— thank the Gods— and you’ll encounter them around most ruins, defending the ancient powers. Prepare to be confronted if you come too close! [img][/img] [u][b]Wisps!![/b][/u] These funny little guys can now be found on the map. They seem to have beaten you to all the objectives and flitter over places of power, shrines, and braziers. You can smack them around, you can follow them. They drop dust. But most importantly, they make little jingly noises. They actually have more functionality than that, but we’ll wait to tell you a bit more about them another time (compendium, anyone?) [img][/img] [h2]COMMUNITY NOTES[/h2] [h3]Up Next:[/h3] [b]Final Art, Optimization, & Polish[/b] We’re now in that pre-launch window where we need to test the game extensively, so you don’t somehow trek where none have yet trekked and find yourself recreating the Icarus myth against your will, as you’re hurled inexplicably into the stratosphere. We’re working with additional outsourced QA while continuing to swap out final art assets and refine animations, progression, and economy for the gameplay loop available at early access launch, but no new overhauls to mechanics, quests, or direction at this time before early access.‍ [h3]Minor News & Corrections[/h3] [b]Achievements on Hold[/b] Our last community monthly mentioned polling some in-game achievements, but based on current priorities, we’re decided to hold back on implementing achievements until after our early access launch, so we can focus on refining and testing the gameplay loop. [b]The 12 Trials[/b] In the last month, we’ve decided to block off a part of the Crossroads to allow us more flexible map-space to add more content during early access (without physically affecting the landscape players will be actively using by that time). This adjustment would lock 4 of the 12 trials out of players' reach at launch. Because of this, I’ll be adding a note to the FAQ that 8 trials will be immediately playable, with the intention to expand in early access. [b]Launch Trailer Coming Soon![/b] You’ll get at least one more gameplay preview before our launch next month. We’ll be starting that asset this week! Stay tuned and share our socials with your friends!‍ [h3]Community Build:[/h3] [b]Fawn Coliseum[/b] Last but not least, the June community monthly invited Defiers into the Discord to help me poll two creative builds. The second of the two builds will be attached to the brief July Community Monthly next week, but for the first poll, you all selected the “Bunny Coliseum.” At long last, I have edited together that process to hopefully expound on the potentials of our build kits, though you’ll have to forgive the lack of bunnies. I didn’t realize it was fawn season. Enjoy the full edit here or in the Discord: [url=]The Defiance Discord[/url] [previewyoutube=3L-w7ObcJUc;full][/previewyoutube] Thanks for supporting Dawn of Defiance! More updates coming your way before August 15th, but until then keeping getting hype for early access next month! - Traega Monday