[b]CHECK BACK LATER:[/b] [b][url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2059530/view/4284698870310020870]Temple Trackers Ep. 1[/url], where I review your "Demi-God Academy" submissions from last week will be added to this post, as well as our [url=https://www.youtube.com/@TraegaGames]YouTube[/url] channel, so make sure to subscribe or check back here and the [url=Discord: https://discord.gg/dV6s7CHHZj]Discord[/url] later for the video, where I declare our first challenge winner![/b] Thank you to our submissions last week! You guys did some super impressive builds, especially coming in before our creative update. We had a really difficult time picking a favorite, and I look forward to sharing those results with you soon. So as to give you the most amount of time with the next weekly challenge, I'm sharing it now before the Temple Trackers episode is ready. As with the last post, the weekly challenge format is as follows: [olist] [*] Please submit pictures or a video of your build matching our themed challenge description. [*] Submissions must be made in Discord. [*] I will compile the player builds for a recap video titled "Temple Trackers," inspired by House Hunters. [*] At my discretion, this video will feature a tour of the Top 5 builds each week with one of our devs (or a special guest). [*] At the conclusion, our guest will decide which impressive build has won their hearts. [*] Winner will be given a vanity Discord role (pending addition this week) and opportunity to pick a Discord emote. Community rewards likely to change in future weeks. [/olist] On to the themed challenge: _________________ [h2]WEEKLY BUILD CHALLENGE (8-31)[/h2] [h3]The Lost Hall of Atlantis[/h3] Build a regal structure on one of the smaller Crossroad islands that represents part of the lost city of Atlantis. Other criteria: [list] [*] Please incorporate water and palm trees for an island aesthetic. [*] Bonus points if you can create the illusion of "ruins," surrounding or within your structure. [*] Any kit is allowed, but stone should be your foundation. [/list] Temple Trackers, extra tip: For the video recap of the challenge, it will be beneficial for you to provide either multiple pictures of your build or a video, though not required. If you would like any copy (a written tour) to be considered for the recap, please share as well. For advice or examples of past submissions, see here (link only works for existing Discord members): [url=https://discord.com/channels/1159972397714243696/1276902805885685802]Demi-God Academy[/url]. _________________ Don't forget to submit on [url=Discord: https://discord.gg/dV6s7CHHZj]Discord[/url]! Link to specific Discord post (only works for existing Discord users): [url=https://discord.com/channels/1159972397714243696/1279462840247517205]Lost Hall of Atlantis[/url]