Before we jump into the description for the Weekly Challenges, let's take a moment to celebrate our player builds from launch week. You guys made an "Inn for Muses" and an "Alchemist's Hovel," check it out: [previewyoutube=zqgImzquOIA;full][/previewyoutube] Thank you to Rimmsi, VikaMountainer, and Kail for your submissions last week! As shared in our Discord, challenges would be switched to a weekly endeavor going forward to allow players more time to create. And thus, we begin with a new challenge today! [img][/img] [h3]Presenting Temple Trackers! [/h3] There is a new format for weekly build challenges. Just as those shared last week, you should expect a themed description and will be asked to submit pictures or a video in the Discord; however, in this new format, I will be compiling the builds for a recap video inspired by House Hunters. At my discretion, the Top 5 builds each week will be toured by one of our devs (or a special guest) in an episode of the "Temple Trackers," and at the conclusion, our guest will decide which impressive build has won their hearts. The winner will receive a vanity role in [url=] Discord [/url] to join the Hall of Hera, and for at least the next few challenges, will be dm'd by me to pick a new Discord emote (because I need to create a whole bunch). New challenges will be issued at the end of the week, alongside the previous week's Temple Trackers episode, and submissions will close EOD the following Wednesday. Thank you, and let's begin! ____ [h2]WEEKLY BUILD CHALLENGE (8-24): [/h2][h3]DEMI-GOD ACADEMY [/h3] [i]Build an academy for demi-gods and heroes to practice their weaponry and their aerial mobility. Use any kit. [/i] Aeacus and the Judges have brought you to the Crossroads to test whether you are worthy to champion their cause against the Gods. Now with your newly earned movement abilities, it is only right you have a place to train and study! You may use whichever kit you prefer (Thatch, Wood, or Stone). If you wish for suggestions, consider an archery range, a small arena, a classroom, an obstacle course....You will not need all or any of the listed suggestions to be considered for review, so long as we see it meeting the assignment "Demi-god Academy" Temple Trackers, extra tip: For the video recap of the challenge, it will be beneficial for you to provide either multiple pictures of your build or a video, though not required. If you would like any copy (a written tour) to be considered for the recap, please share as well. Don't forget to submit to the [url=] Discord! [/url] Link to specific Discord post (only works for existing Discord users): [url=] Demi-God Academy Challenge [/url] Thank you, and we look forward to seeing what you make! - Traega Monday