If you don’t have enough to experience on your first day in Dawn of Defiance, then allow me to provide you some extra trials. [i][u][b]For each of these tasks, submit your participatory image or video to our [url=https://discord.gg/dV6s7CHHZj]Discord channel[/url]. We would also love it if you would add it to our Steam community screenshots :) [/b][/u][/i] The goal would be to share the previous day's best submissions at the end of each new daily post. Day to day, there will be no defined winner, but rather a celebration of our community’s coolest game experiences and creations. At the end of the week, I will review and select the top performers for each challenge! Let's start: ___ A great Greek hero knows how to build with their own two hands. Even your broody guide Aeacus has been known to build a temple or two. So for each day this coming week, I’ll ask you to build me something worthy of a Gods' judgement. [h2]BUILD CHALLENGE:[/h2] [b]TEMPLE TO AN OLYMPIAN[/b] What is more Defiant, than opposing the very hands that brought you to the Crossroads? Aeacus would ask you to befoul the altars of the Gods, but perhaps you should build a temple to one instead? Per community favorite vote, [b]create a structure to honor one of the Greek Gods.[/b] Consider using the different biomes, your paint tools, natural flora, horizons, structural shapes, and anything else at your disposal to visually reference your God of choice. I think I know three Gods you might gravitate towards… Participate in the [url=https://discord.com/channels/1159972397714243696/1250207547491745914]#player-builds channel[/url] in Discord. ___ While we hope you learn to appreciate the build tools in Dawn of Defiance, everyone has different gifts. For those of you less building-inclined, try your hand at this: [h2]GAMEPLAY CHALLENGE: [/h2] [b]THE OLYMPIC GAMES[/b] Do you know when the Olympic Games first began? I do not... so who’s to say it did not start here, on the Forgotten Crossroads between the realm of the mortals and the Gods. For this challenge, I ask you to compete against your friends (or yourself) in a sport of your choosing (Archery, Running, Swimming, etc..). I leave at your discretion how to set dress your Olympic Games, but I would ask for you to [b]submit a screen-capture of your Dawn of Defiance gameplay demonstrating your competitive, physical prowess.[/b] For instance, this may look like: [list] [*] Archery - Record you and your friends achieving an impressive, long distance headshot. [*] Running - Record you and your friends sprinting, perhaps over obstacles, with or without enhanced movement abilities. [*] Swimming - Record you and/or your friends attempting to cross a waterway. [/list] Bonus points if you include a torch ceremony. Participate in the [url=https://discord.com/channels/1159972397714243696/1273548935822315582]#gameplay channel[/url] in Discord. I hope to see what you all bring. Please have fun! - Traega Monday