[b]General Note:[/b] Next patch coming soon, keep your eyes out for more info. Reminder, our current goals can be found [url=https://www.dawnofdefiance.com/post/10-day-countdown]here.[/url] A revised roadmap to articulate our large-scale content updates is in the works. In the meantime, I hope you submit feedback to [url=https://dawnofdefiance.featureupvote.com/]feature up-vote[/url] and join us in our [url=https://discord.gg/dV6s7CHHZj]Discord[/url] challenges, like the one below! [i][b]Thank you to everyone that submitted to Temple Trackers Episode 2. The tour is coming soon to YouTube! Stay tuned to hear our next winner![/b][/i] Subscribe to our YouTube for the earliest notification of publishing: [url=https://www.youtube.com/@TraegaGames] Traega YouTube [/url] The weekly challenge format is as follows: [list] [*] Please submit pictures or a video of your build matching our themed challenge description. [*] Submissions must be made in Discord. [*] I will compile the player builds for a recap video titled "Temple Trackers," inspired by House Hunters. [*] At my discretion, this video will feature a tour of the Top 3 builds each week with one of our devs (or a special guest). [*] At the conclusion, our guest will decide which impressive build has won their hearts. [*] Winner will be given a vanity Discord role (pending addition this week), an opportunity to pick a Discord emote, and a main menu message placement. Community rewards likely to change in future weeks.[/list] On to the themed challenge: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45012627/a63d75d52f906a4a020e8d118b57ab960c9eeb3a.jpg[/img] ___ [h1]WEEKLY BUILD CHALLENGE (9-16)[/h1] [h1]The Forbidden Labyrinth[/h1] ENDS: Sunday, Sept 22 11:59 PM CDT Build a maze wherein dangers and treasures await. Other criteria: [list] [*] Please incorporate a form of danger within the labyrinth, can be water/enemy/roleplay (non-functional, conceptual threat) [*] Have a reward within (or at the exit) of the labyrinth, depending on where they start. [*] Bonus points for multiple entry points. [*] Given this could result in similar builds, consider how you will make your build stand apart from others, whether that's where it is located, how it features existing locations in the game, how it is completed, how it is shaped, etc... [/list] Temple Trackers, extra tip: For the video recap of the challenge, it will be beneficial for you to provide either multiple pictures of your build or a video, though not required. If you would like any copy (a written tour) to be considered for the recap, please share as well. Submit to the [url=https://discord.gg/dV6s7CHHZj]Discord![/url] Link works for non-members. Please use the [url=https://discord.com/channels/1159972397714243696/1285277300258115746]official Discord post[/url], link only works for existing members: ___ Thank you as well to everyone that joined us for last week's challenge, building a heavenly stairway. Impressive as always! Here's some highlights from those [i][b]10,000 Steps[/b][/i] submissions: Discord user MotionMadMoth: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45012627/d556c2ca18402f1f940885a4507ff6a15f674371.jpg[/img] Discord user Sugy: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45012627/32c79db06d3a9eb3b90a71e486928741599969b5.jpg[/img] Discord user NeoZeus: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45012627/aa112db3a37def81491c25b8bb597929fc8887a1.jpg[/img] Discord user VikaMountainer: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45012627/18bd11d1d100a890c3d945f10ebee3fef004a92c.jpg[/img] Discord user Mad Assistant: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45012627/c50315f92148ee0ed93d3ddeb2e8e5238e36b1b5.jpg[/img] Discord user Leighsbian: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45012627/0efe4b1ef7f7defd093f61570d6fd7172dedc896.png[/img] You can see the full videos of select submissions, from [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96qku83eF1U]MotionMadMoth[/url], [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2mrEQo_OWk]NeoZeus[/url], [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IenjhNd2E8]VikaMountainer[/url], and [url=https://youtu.be/fel9KoHATfw?si=HFlSaeVT7vi8bDKc]Sugy![/url] Thank you Defiers! Excited to see what you create this week and to keep you updated on other Dawn of Defiance news. Best and talk again soon, -- Traega Monday