For each of these tasks, submit your participatory image or video to our Discord channel. We would also love it if you would add it to our Steam community screenshots :) The goal would be to share the previous day's best submissions at the end of each new daily post. Day to day, there will be no defined winner, but rather a celebration of our community’s coolest game experiences and creations. At the end of the week, I will review and select the top performers for each challenge! Let's start: ___ [h2]BUILDING CHALLENGE: [/h2] ALCHEMIST'S HOVEL In wanting to reflect community votes, Day 1’s challenge went with the most popular theme, “Temple to the Olympians.” Wouldn’t you believe it, a bit of a complex and advanced build for our brand new players! So let’s bring things back at bit. Today, build me your best: [i]Alchemist’s Hovel A wooden or thatch structure that incorporates wildlife and/or flora[/i] Keeping up your stamina, health, and armor will be an important part of advancing on the isles, so you’ll need to learn Alchemy. You might as well make your place as welcoming and efficient as possible, surrounded by flowers and nature, right? Please post in the Discord [url=] #playerbuilds [/url] channel. [h2]GAMEPLAY CHALLENGE:[/h2] ANNOY THE GODS Pick a Greek God you hate. Now think of what they would despise. Now do that. Send us the video or screenshot. (Kill a bunch of deer, litter on the shoreline, chop down every tree in the forest, literally just cage in the statue of Zeus, etc). Get creative as you want. All my friends HATE the Greek Gods (except Hephaestus, probably). Please post in the Discord [url=] #gameplay [/url] channel. ___ Thanks to everyone playing with us and sharing their screenshots! Here's a couple people yesterday getting creative with their build locations: [img][/img] [img][/img] And some beautiful screenshots from one of our Discord defiers! [img][/img] [img][/img] Looking forward to what you all have to share! See you again tomorrow <3 - Traega Monday