Before we dive into the build challenge for October, let's congratulate our last episode's winner, Leighsbian and Sugy for their Forbidden Labyrinth! Check out their builds and our other cool submissions over at our YouTube: [previewyoutube=krOYTFT26nQ;full][/previewyoutube] [i][b]Congrats again, and welcome to the Hall of Hestia![/b][/i] Our future Temple Trackers will now be on a monthly cadence. This may seem like sad news, but this means I have more time to record development news videos, and you now have twice as long to work on your submissions! Also, starting from this episode, Temple Trackers winners will earn a physical prize! Ready to build?? [h1]TEMPLE TRACKERS #4[/h1] [u][h2]The Haunted Crossing[/h2][/u] [i]Closes October 21st, 11:59PM CDT[/i]. [h3]The brief![/h3] The spookiest season comes even to the mythic Crossroads, and rivers are a frequent theme surrounding death in the Greek myths. Build a foreboding and impressive bridge and adjoining hall that evokes fear, mystery, and the spirits of the lost and fallen! A place where the dead may forever wander on their troubled path to the other side. [img][/img] [img][/img] Other criteria or suggestions: [list] [*] Recommended to build in the Dark Forest [*] Consider thoughtful use of shadows and lighting. [*] Have part of your build be indoors AND outdoors. [*] Make use of your paintbrush![/list] Keep in mind, I will be visiting your saves, so you might make a clear path in your build to be followed, like a haunted house! This episode will be reviewed by our directors in our special Halloween episode! [h3]The format![/h3] Here is the current Temple Trackers format! Please re-review as there's changes since the last episode: [list] [*] Players must submit pictures or a video of a build matching the description. [*] Submissions can be made in [url=]Discord[/url], in the Steam Hub, or on Twitter. Use the #TempleTrackers and [url=]@TraegaGames[/url] to help me find you. Please label which challenge you are submitting for! [*] At the Challenge end date, I will select a top 3 and contact those players[i][b] to submit their Save files.[/b][/i] [*] I will record myself visiting the Top 3 builds with a special guest or dev. [*] I will compile these tours for a recap video titled "Temple Trackers," inspired by House Hunters. [*] At the conclusion, our guest will decide which impressive build has won their hearts. [*] Winner will be given a vanity Discord role, main menu message space, and additional prizes depending on challenge.[/list] Visit here for the exact Discord post (link is for existing Discord members): [url=]The Haunted Crossing.[/url] [h1]THE PLAYTRAILS #1[/h1] [u][h2]A Discord Game[/h2][/u] [i]Closes October 21st, 11:59PM CDT[/i]. [h3]The brief![/h3] At the end of the month, I will be hosting a relay race of up to 3 teams of 4 players each (for a max of 12 players)! Our Champions must take on this obstacle course: [i][b]Tides of Triumph: Poseidon's Path to Confidence.[/b][/i] Designed in four sections for swimming, athletics, building, and archery, Defiers must complete their assigned course and pass the Trident on to their teammate. More detail will be provided to players. The team with the best combined time wins… And each player of our winning team will earn a reward! [img][/img] [img][/img] [h3]How to participate![/h3] Our players will be selected from the first (up to 12) interested “Champions” in [url=]Discord[/url], excluding admins! The “Champions” role is earned by reaching Level 10 in Discord. To reach Level 10, you need 5250 XP! You can earn that XP in a few ways: [list][*] Complete the Daily Quests for at least 400XP each! These will be simple in-game objectives shared in Discord and social. Sharing your Quest submission to social media with #DoDDaily will add an extra 200XP! [list][*]Make sure to [url=]@TraegaGames[/url], so I get notified. [*]All old Daily Quests (before Oct 7th) will only add 100XP, but can still be completed.[/list][*] Submit to the build challenge for 500XP! Create a submission for this month’s Temple Trackers! [*] Talk about us on social with the #DawnOfDefiance for 200XP! [*] Hang out and talk in Discord! Messages and voice chat minutes will earn you passive XP that will accumulate.[/list] Even if starting from Level 0, you can easily become a Champion this month! Visit here for the exact Discord post (link is for existing Discord members): [url=]The Playtrials.[/url] You can also view the [url=]Discord leaderboard.[/url] Players will be selected on [u][b]October 21st.[/b][/u] You have until then to earn 5250 Discord XP to compete in the race! Races will be scheduled the following week. We hope to run similar challenges each month, but the exact rewards and rules to qualify will be changed & adapted!