[list] [*]Changed the corridor generation so that it would be accommodating for larger animals [*]Improved hiding of objects in shadows [*]Optimized performance due to the above (If you want to get technical, I was doing something horribly wrong with raycasts by setting the distance to something much larger than the actual magnitude of the line between the player and the object, which made a lot more collisions than necessary - I was also using the entities layer which was pointless and added even more overhead) [*]Changed the colliders on the horse - hopefully this makes it less weird to control [*]Enemies/objects will now leave behind parts of themselves when dying… [*]Changed the sprites of the medical bay floor from blinding white to something that fits the rest of the tiles [*]Crowd now roars whenever you kill a boss [*]You now get a selection of items to pick from when finishing a level [*]Added new, unique attacks for all of the bosses! [*]Added a new, Brainiac boss with 2 phases. [*]Added a poison drone [*]Made the walls of dungeons thicker [*]Added a map! You can see the boss location, your location, your trail, and the end teleporter on the map [*]Among other things that I have forgotten about... [/list]