As you may know, the systems in a game all serve the player content. The way the player receives the content obviously depends on the systems within that game. If for example Risk of Rain 2 had no chest system, the player would not be able to get any items and it would become an entirely skill based game. As in other games, my game has quite a few different systems. First, there's the item system. Whilst I'm still trying to refine it into something very robust, it already lets me do quite a number of things. For example, I could make a weapon which used the same attack as the Brainiac boss's third wave of attacks, or a weapon which spawns homing missiles, and when those hit something, they could trigger some other effect like spawning even MORE missiles... You get the gist. Then on top of this Compound Attack system, I have the stats system for weapons. Each weapon has a varying amount of stats such as the bullets in a burst for any burst capable gun, which I can change with modifiers. There are also sets which I have made use of for the latest 3 items, gained from Zero's quests. Weapons in Void Strife also have their own skill tree, and I am going to try to make the different branches of each skill tree feel totally different. For example, the MH53 gauss rifle's branches focus on either shocking/electricity damage, or bouncy explosive projectiles. The two branches are exclusive, so you cannot pick from both of them, but within each branch there are multiple levels within which you can pick different nodes. For example, at Level 5, a weapon may have 3 nodes to choose from, all doing different things. There are certainly a few kinks still to iron out but it is relatively easy to add new skills to skill trees and make weapons feel unique, as long as I have the ideas. :D There will be a fleet of NPCs in Void Strife. These NPCs each carry their own mini story, most of them not taking themselves seriously. The player will find only a small number of NPCs inside a generated dungeon at once, meaning they will have to look for the NPC they want. Talking to an NPC can give the option for the player to start a quest, which would often, upon completion, lead to unlocking more items in the world to spawn. Alongside NPCs, there are also computers which act as terminals. Players may perform commands on these computers (not very many implemented as of now), and look up files. These files may be required to fulfil some quests, or some helpful information or teasers about NPCs or items in the game. Spawning in Void Strife is also pretty interesting. Enemies/props can all have 2 opportunities to drop items: once either from the global loot table or their own loot table if they are not using global loot, and once from their guaranteed drops. Guaranteed drops are self explanatory, but the global loot table is there because some items are locked behind the completion of quests, and only upon finishing those and handing them in will the player be able to find those items throughout the world as drops. Here are some general patch notes from the last release: [list] [*]Added minimap [*]Changed map zoom so it zooms in smaller increments, and the minimum zoom is larger [*]Added 2 randomly spawning NPCs with 3 quests each in the map generation [*]Added 3 (ish) new items [*]Changed main menu [*]Fixed frame rate to 144 fps to reduce GPU Wheeze [*]Weapon skill trees now will save after exiting the game [*]Added computers in the map generation, which will hold information files and other things. [*]Other things which I so clearly forgot to document and include in here :) [/list]