v7.1.0 of Starground is finally out! This update includes a wide variety of changes and fixes. The main new features are more decorations (plants and the godot plush), a weapons shopkeeper in the space hub, nuclear bombs, and more weapon components, Combat mechanics have been reworked to allow for combo chains when attacking (instead of the old Minecraft style combat). This should be a bit more fun to play with, and allow us to easily add new weapon attack animations. This update also includes the Thumper, which is a new building that spawns resources. In addition to a bunch of changes and fixes, game performance has been heavily optimized, with conveyors running x10 faster now. As per usual, let me know on Discord if any issues arise! Thanks! [h2]Additions[/h2] [list] [*] Added a weapons shopkeeper to the space hub [*] Added buttons to select Russian and Korean as a language (my apologies for not including those before!) [*] Added Japanese translations (thanks Matthew Armstrong!) [*] Added a button to hide player names (this is your doing yochic) [*] Added an icon that is displayed when the day/night cycle has been disabled with f1 [*] Added nuclear bombs [*] Added the rubber mallet weapon component [*] Added the Dragonslayer weapon component [*] Added the Godot plush building [*] Added the thumper machine [*] Added the Advanced Collection research [*] Added 3 decorative plants [*] Added a language change button to the pause menu [*] Added a player list [*] Added combo attacks [*] Added a cooldown effect to slots when used [*] Added a spawn animation to moonshrooms (thanks Z3NN3!) [*] Added an option to set a delay for playing music in Veridian [/list] [h2]Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Made it so pressing escape when sending a message now unfocuses the text box instead of opening the pause menu [*] Made it so picking up items with your mining laser no longer has a delay [*] Made it so the tree of wisdom will not repeat quotes until all of them have appeared [*] Drastically decreased the game's file size by swapping wav songs with ogg songs (around 400 MB to 142 MB) [*] Made it so indicator overlays are no longer activated when placing down a building [*] Made it so weapon slash sound pitch is linked to the weapon speed [*] Made it so weapon reach in the tool bench reflects total weapon length [*] Increased the minimum cooldown time to 0.2 seconds [/list] [h2]Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where player chat boxes were invisible [*] Fixed an issue where the laser particles would start in the wrong position [*] Fixed an issue where players would technically be in the dungeon in the automation zone [*] Fixed an issue where items would be deleted when near the edge of the world [*] Fixed an issue where oil rigs don't mine oil deposits that already existed before placing [*] Fixed an issue where rotating an object would cause oblong buildings like the refiner to be offset incorrectly [*] Fixed an issue where the refiner and electric furnace don't appear on clients [*] Fixed an issue where hiding the UI on multiplayer would break [*] Fixed an issue where clients could not hide the day/night cycle [*] Fixed an issue where underground conveyor belts were flipped incorrectly [*] Potentially fixed an issue where opening the saves folder on Linux didn't work [*] Fixed an issue with terrain generation where terrain did not match the map preview [*] Fixed an issue where plant sway offsets were not set properly on spawn [*] Fixed an issue where you had to click left click before you could interact when starting the game [/list] [h2]Optimizations[/h2] [list] [*] Made conveyors run 10x faster (2.0ms frame time to 0.19ms) [*] Made movers run 3.6x faster (2.2ms frame time to 0.6ms) [*] Increased the performance of all objects [/list]