I'm back at it again with another update for v5 (seems like these are practically daily at this point lol). In this one, I've fixed a ton of issues identified on Discord, and have made many quality of life changes and improvements. Let me know how everything goes. Thank you alpha testers, can't do it without you all! [h2]Additions[/h2] [list] [*] Added an effect and sound when your weapon is ready to use again [*] Added the guide in the pause menu [*] Added automatic filter icons for every inventory (furnace items and crafter recipes) [*] Added a direction indicator to conveyors [/list] [h2]Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Made it so that items are now dropped out of crafters when a recipe is selected with fewer slots [*] Made it so you can no longer build in the dungeon (until I add the special dungeon where that's the main mechanic ;) ) [*] Made it so that you can pop the beach ball with a weapon [*] Increased text oversampling to improve readability at smaller scales [*] Increased the size of the tree hitbox [*] Decreased the size of the mining hitbox to make it more precise, and line up with the selection box [*] Made it so all buildings with indicators now display those same indicators when being built [*] Changed the output indicator to a triangle [*] Increased the drop rate of health capsules [*] Significantly improved the attack hitbox so that it's easier to hit enemies [/list] [h2]Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where the researcher didn't drop items [*] Fixed an issue where distance calculations were broken, causing issues with enemy aggroing [*] Fixed an issue where the furnace was referencing a non-existent sprite [*] Fixed an issue where resources could block doors in the dungeon [*] Fixed a layering issue in the main menu [*] Fixed an issue where players could walk on water in the exit room [*] Fixed an issue where the collector area indicator was underneath new resources [*] Fixed an issue where poison clouds would not stop when the game is lagging [*] Fixed an issue where null items were generated in dungeon chests [*] Fixed an issue with process ordering between movers and long-range movers, causing movers to not grab items [*] Fixed an issue where resource node alpha was not reset when breaking mid-despawn animation [*] Fixed the right side of the health bar border [*] Fixed a spelling error in the tree of wisdom quotes [*] Fixed an issue where the beach ball was the wrong size when building [*] Fixed an issue where the splitter indicator was displayed inproperly [*] Fixed an issue where you could break the starlauncher in the dungeon [*] Fixed an issue where the weapon was not angled at the right position after swapping to it [/list]