This update adds a few new additions, including the big chest, more options, and localization! Big thanks to all of the translators for your hard work. [h2]Additions[/h2] [list] [*] Added a localization menu to the main menu [*] Added localization for 10 different languages [*] Added the option to display the tutorial guide on load [*] Added an option to toggle the FPS display [*] Added a debug overlay screen (enabled with f3) [*] Added a 0.5 second cooldown to each dungeon room before enemies can start attacking you [*] Added the big chest [*] Added a credits menu [/list] [h2]Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Made it so that player health is reset when leaving the dungeon [*] Made it so all items give weapons an increase in cooldown of 0.5 [*] Greatly improved performance of multiplayer [*] Removed colons from the options and main menu [*] Changed weapon attributes: [list] [*] Fungle Cooldown 0.5 -> 0.4 [*] Sword Handle Cooldown 0.25 -> 0.15 [*] Sword Blade Cooldown 1 -> 1.25 [*] Long Handle Cooldown 0.5 -> 0.4 [*] Fungle Cooldown 0.5 -> 0.4 [*] Primitive Handle Cooldown 0.75 -> 0.5 [*] Dagger Blade Cooldown 0.25 -> 0.3 [/list][/list] [h2]Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where enemies would not play their attack sounds [*] Fixed an issue where Dreadcap would not play attack sounds [*] Fixed an issue where items would teleport instead of slowly move to the player [*] Fixed an issue where Dreadcap poison projectiles would instantly move to the player [*] Fixed an issue where thousands of unecessary errors were logged [*] Fixed an issue where a navigation mesh had a cell size mismatch [*] Fixed an issue where enemies would not play their attack sounds [*] Fixed an issue where some doors were not depth sorted [*] Fixed an issue where enemies would moonwalk when pathfinding around obstacles [*] Fixed a typo in the tree of wisdom lines [/list]