v6.3.0 of Starground is now up! This version includes a multitude of QOL and UI improvements, alongside full support for Steam multiplayer. A new building called the Vault also makes its entrance, which can hold up to 10,000 items! As with any new introduction like this, issues are likely to arise, so let me know if issues happen with Steam! [h2]Additions[/h2] [list] [*] Added Steam multiplayer, allowing friends to connect through Steam [*] Added french to the languages menu (big thanks to Xerinos!) [*] Added an option to set Steam lobby type [*] Added support for BBCode in player usernames [*] Added a label to the crafter UI to indicate the current recipe [*] Added categories in the crafter UI for recipes [*] Added item cost indicators that are displayed when actively building [*] Added Xerinos and Samuel to the translators credits [*] Added SomePerson to the alpha testers credits [*] Added the ability to rename chests [*] Added labels to chests that appear when renamed [*] Added a right click icon when hovering over an interactable object [*] Added the vault (can hold huge stack sizes) [*] Added enemy corpses that spawn when they are killed [*] Added a temporary projectile attack to Dreadcap [/list] [h2]Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Changed the multiplayer menu to so you can choose between Steam and manual connecting and hosting [*] Changed the appearance of the poison cloud shot by Dreadcap [*] Removed UPNP (it was stupid and also caused long load times) [*] Increased the maximum length for usernames to 100 characters [*] Made it so category buttons (like those in crafters and the building menu) now become highlighted when they are active [*] Improved the visuals of the multiplayer disconnect popup [*] Made it so loading a save during a multiplayer game is no longer allowed (caused too many issues) [*] Changed the style of tab containers to be inline with the other UI elements [/list] [h2]Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Actually fixed an issue with the treadmill not appearing for clients [*] Fixed an issue were BBCode tags in chat would affect other messages [*] Potentially fixed an issue where chat messages would sometimes not send [*] Fixed an issue where player nametags would be drawn below objects [*] Fixed yĆ³chic's name in the credits (sorry bro) [*] Fixed an issue where dropped items that were saved before exiting a dungeon would show up when you re-entered [*] Fixed the horizontal line in the options menu so it touches the tabs [*] Fixed a visual issue where items moving down on a conveyor would be underneath movers [*] Fixed an issue where ancient automaton particles were no longer gears [*] Fixed an issue where players in multiplayer could not enter through the boss door [/list]