The second version of v6 is out! This includes a few new bits of content, and of course the usual quality of life and fixes. I've also added coins to the dungeons. While these don't do anything yet, they will be used for future trading with NPCs to buy weapon components and upgrades. [h2]Additions[/h2] [list] [*] Added range limits to building and dropping items. [*] Added an outline to the warning text in the researcher. [*] Added music track Outside to Veridian. [*] Added music track Symbiotic Machine to the first dungeon. [*] Added a filter blacklist button to movers. [*] Added Italian to the languages menu. [*] Added Filipino to the languages menu . [*] Added the foundry. [*] Added the solar panel. [*] Added the Alloying research. [*] Added the Clean Energy research. [*] Added a progress bar to an actively selected research. [*] Added coins. [/list] [h2]Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Replaced the wind sway shader to fix an issue where the sway was too extreme on some computers (big thanks to mbg!). [*] Made it so the output slot of crafters display the item it is about to craft. [*] Made it so machines that require multiple inputs or produce multiple outputs display how much in the inventory. [*] Made it so that when an item is only a stack of 1, the number dissapears. [*] Made it so that items cannot be placed ontop of a collision box. [*] Made it so the player no longer follows the mouse when it's outside of the game window. [*] Made it so movers can grab items from other movers only when facing the same direction. [*] Made it so decorations and enemies now have a chance to drop coins. [/list] [h2]Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where Brazilian Portuguese was being translated to European Portugese. [*] Fixed an issue where dungeons only spawned 3 regular rooms (now set to 15). [*] Fixed multiple issues related to the treadmill, including depth sorting and not being able to place items underneath it. [*] Fixed an issue where larger buildings would not get included in tesla coil ranges. [*] Fixed a visual decal overlap in the boss room. [*] Fixed an issue where the player could get out of range of Dreadcap in the boss room. [*] Fixed an issue where starting a new research would cancel the old one first instead of instantly starting the next one. [/list]