This update for Starground fixes more issues that have been identified by alpha testers on Discord. It also includes a new UI scale option in the general tab in options (finally not empty). [h2]Additions[/h2] [list] [*] Added the ability to change the UI scale with a slider in the options menu [/list] [h2]Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Moved Enceladus up in the starlauncher menu so Veridian's menu doesn't cover it [*] Increased the number of maximum rendered lights to 64 [*] Enabled subpixel positioning, normal hinting, and mipmaps for text to improve readability at small scales [/list] [h2]Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where filter slots were not updated until the inventory was reopened [*] Fixed an issue where the guide would stay open after closing the pause menu [*] Fixed an issue where an item could be stacked above 99 if a recipe made more than 1 item [*] Fixed an issue where 0 quantity phantom items could be created if half of a 2 item stack was moved into a 98 stack with left click [*] Fixed an issue where a selected half stack being moved into another stack moved the whole stack instead of half [*] Fixed an issue where the same dungeon could be accessed by loading into it again at really low frame rates [*] Fixed an issue where multiple enemies could spawn on the same tile in dungeons [*] Fixed an issue where crafter input items would get deleted on load [*] Fixed an issue where items would teleport along newly placed belts [*] Fixed an issue where the camera would zoom out to extreme levels when resizing the window [*] Fixed an issue where the main menu background would stretch out when the window was resized horizontally [*] Fixed an issue where ambience would play in the main menu after quitting the game [*] Fixed an issue where clicking planets in the starlauncher would deselect automatically sometimes [/list]