The Alpha Playtest is Closing Today
Author: jardar,
published 3 years ago,
Hello, I just want to say that [b]the alpha test is closing today (22 GMT)![/b]
[i]You will then no longer be able to download or play Seablip, and the button for requesting access to Seablip will be gone some hours before closing time.[/i]
I appreciate all the feedback I have got. I am not done reading all the feedback (and more is still coming in). I will take my time to read everyone's feedback and answer you.
Some of the feedback is repeating itself in many of the comments, and some are new. I appreciate it anyway, and it gives a good sense of what you are missing from the current version.
[i]It is also clear to me that much of the feedback is based on what you play now, and maybe not what I have planned for the future. So I want to say something about what my own vision is for Seablip in a new post, and what I am going to work on next - to clarify some things.[/i]
- this will hopefully answer some of the feedback you so helpfully have given me, and if you have new feedback based on this vision I appreciate hearing that too.