[h1]Changelog[/h1] [h2]Additions[/h2] [list] [*] You can kick things by walking into them [*] Added 2 new enemies - Cardinal and Coyote [*] Buttons can be held to repeat their effect [*] You can wait a turn by pressing space [*] You can now pick up free items using the buy button [*] Added animation framework [*] A checkerboard pattern has been added to the floor [/list] [h2]Removals[/h2] [list] [*] You can no longer punch [*] Removed some enemy variants [*] Entities are no longer affected by friction [/list] [h2]Major Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Any damage to enemies (not just damage you deal) will increase the combo multiplier [*] Enemies can no longer see through each other [*] Character colliders all have a diameter of 1 tile [*] Rooms can now connect at corners [*] Presents give one item, instead of lots of single-use items [*] All monetary values have been multiplied by 100 [*] Increased Dynamite explosion radius [*] Dynamite bundle now throws spread of 3 dynamite sticks [*] All enemies have new graphics [*] Item costs increase as you progress [/list] [h2]Minor Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Improved hit stop [*] Tickrate has been quartered [*] Projectiles use simplified collision detection against tiles [*] Fixed rocks becoming invisible when they should be destroyed [*] Improved tile drawing efficiency [*] Drastically simplified and optimised level generation [*] Restructured enemy files [*] Restructured font files [*] Gibs get launched into the air [*] Fixed overlapping signs [*] Rug no longer disappears when resolution changes [*] The shopkeeper looks at you [*] Hearts shake more the fewer you have [*] Text entities darken properly when in options menu [*] Fixed a spelling mistake [/list]