[list] [*] Added difficulty selector [olist] [*]Base difficulty [*]You take double damage [*]Items have 50% less durability [*]Enemies can't hurt each other [*]Enemy bullets move 50% faster [*]There are 50% more enemies [*]Upgrades cost double [*]Enemies are 50% faster [*]You take double damage [/olist] [*] Increased the health of most enemies [*] Added Bomb Cacto enemy [*] Condensed enemy health tooltips [*] Increased the charge cost of some items [*] Props are more likely to appear in certain levels [*] Added 8 new upgrades [list] [*] Stun Shots [*] Lucky Star [*] Arrowhead [*] Shotgun Shell [*] Whetstone [*] Ice Cube [*] Rapid Fire [*] Hard Hat [/list] [/list]