Hello respected Khans, I am the developer of the game, Cevozby Han. I hope things are going well in your clan and all the victories are with you. We know that as a Khan you want to be more involved in the wars and create deeper strategies. I have an important announcement for you regarding this. While developing the war mechanics, we decided that the wars should be 3D and our work in this direction continues. Soldiers and Formation: In the wars, there used to be direct battles between armies, but now soldiers will be able to fight one by one (each soldier will represent a group of soldiers) and they will move in formation. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44297973/4efd302dab0b819ef80d181fe650d19148e2404f.jpg[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44297973/0a4708d9ca08d3bd157b089a55e2578bddebd9fd.jpg[/img] Battle Styles: Soldiers will be able to use attacks such as flanking, surrounded and shoot and scoot while fighting. Strategy: Of course, determining strategy is a must. By diversifying the tactics you can determine before the battle, you will be able to dominate the battles more. We will give you more information about the developments in the future. Note: Some images and systems may change in the future.