Upcoming Big Update
Author: cevozby,
published 6 months ago,
Greetings Khans, this is HWM developer cevozby.
Hope your clans are doing well, I'll tell you about this week's announcements.
[h2]Big Update Coming Next Week:[/h2]
[b]Pathfinding:[/b] We are increasing the control of your armies so that you as a Khan can better control the battle. You can now decide where your army will go. We are currently working on the path drawing algorithm and plan to finish it by next week. You can see an example of it below.
[h2]Bug Fix[/h2]
[*] Fixed the camera moving while giving orders to armies in the battle section.
[*] Fixed the issue of two clan names being shiny when starting a new league after the league ends.
[*] Chinese localization continues to be improved.
[*] The text indicating how many unread messages are left in the menu bar could get mixed up, the problem has been fixed.