Happy New Year everyone, Today's patch adds additional functionality to the level editor. Players can now use the editor to create their own weapons to add into Fast and Low. The patch also attempts to fix a bunch of old bugs, and add functionality to the WMR joysticks. [h3]Modding Editor Update[/h3] There was an issue with the editor before that required users to also have Blender installed to view the premade structure pieces. The premade pieces in the updated editor now run entirely off .FBX files, so that should rectify that issue. Players can now use the editor to import gun models and turn them into working guns for Fast and Low. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35182196/43282c2f6c08d863a99e14811e619390484eb3ed.png[/img] These modded weapons can work in multiplayer ONLY if all users have the mod installed in their game. Otherwise, players will only see the generic AR or generic shotgun model. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35182196/517940d17261e274a3588dc1ca3308b43e1396a0.png[/img] [i]Note - Using a modded weapon in the "Alternate Secondary Slot" doesn't seem to work in multiplayer at the time. I didn't want to delay the patch any longer to figure it out. For the meantime, just use a base Alternate Secondary weapon in MP.[/i] A video will be made and uploaded on Youtube to show players how to create Custom Weapons and Custom character models (from previous update). Special thanks to [i]AlmaSinNombre[/i] who was kind enough to provide me with these 3d models!! These weapons will be added shortly to the Steam workshop for people to use. [h3]Misc Changes[/h3] - Made modifications to Enemy Animations to prevent them from arching backwards. They also won't completely bring down their firearms during their "resting intervals". - Worked together with a WMR user ([i]Mr. Darkly Beard[/i]) to make another pass at adding functionality to the WMR joysticks. Let me know if the joysticks work now. - Added some code to prevent weapons from incorrectly showing double ammo (Multiplayer) - Added some additional code to prevent weapons from scaling down in size (Multiplayer) - Added code to prevent weapons from desyncing when other players grab your guns and put it back in your holster(Multiplayer)