Hi Everyone, Just wanted to post a small patch that makes some slight improvements to enemy behaviors and fixes some things I've noticed in my playthroughs. Game version is now 1.92 [b]Enemy Behaviour[/b] - changes to enemy's player detection code so that they first need to see the player before they start shooting at them. - changes to enemy pathing and their interactions with doorways, so there is less opportunity for firing animations to clip through walls - "Standing Still and Firing" enemy behavior now updated so that they will eventually grow bored of waiting for their target hiding behind cover and will eventually try to charge/kill their target [i]Overall these changes were made to make enemy gunfights feel even more unpredictable, but at the same time, feel less wall-hackish and unfair[/i] [b]Player Grip Customization[/b] VR Players can now tweak the alignment of their hands to better match with their controllers. These adjustments can be made on the "Calibrate Avatar" board. [b]Misc Changes[/b] - Updated Hardwood flooring models in maps 1 and 3 - Updated Model Scaling in Map 5 - Adjusted Recoil and Recoil Recovery timings for all VR weapons to make them feel more impactful - Adjustments to bullet impacts on walls so that smoke particles always move upwards, and added more spark particles [b]Development Changes[/b] I was initially planning to create 3 additional maps have them pushed out with the Final Release of the game. However, when fooling around earlier this week and playing via Desktop Player controls, I was starting to feel that I may have spent too much time making the VR side feel good and did not pay enough attention to the quality/needs of the Desktop player. As such, I plan to make improvements to the gunplay, the lighting, and the animations for the Desktop FPS player, so that this game will be awesome not only for the VR players, but the Desktop players as well. Since this will probably take some time, I will only be creating 2 new maps to go with the Full Release of the game, and I'll work on the 3rd map for a post-release update. As always, thank you everyone for your support so far! Hope y'all have a safe summer!