Hi Everyone, Today I'm releasing Patch 1.91, which makes big changes to the enemy AI, adds new civilian animations, improvements to current levels and addresses a bunch of stuff that people have pointed out. [b]Enemy AI Changes[/b] - Enemies will now react more dynamically when an ally dies in their line of sight - New Enemy Shooting animations when missing an arm - Slowed down transition from Fake Surrender -> Shooting you in the face In previous iterations of Fast and Low, killing a hostile would cause surrounding hostiles to enter an "Alerted" state and look at their dead buddy. In [b]1.91[/b], hostiles that witness their buddies die in combat will automatically be triggered (as if they saw the player). They would either run for cover, get ready to shoot the player on sight, or straight up charge the player's location. This makes the game firefights feel more dynamic and it's fun to see the knife wielders (that are patrolling out of LOS of the player) just run around a corner and charge at you in the middle of a firefight. [b]Civilian Animations[/b] Added a couple new idle and running animations for the civilians. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35182196/5110847d2171213d8b7ed527e32d6c40bc8a5e23.gif[/img] Look how scared he looks lol. [b]Buddy AI Improvement[/b] Buddy AI has been improved (still could be better). But at least now he's capable of ordering hostiles to surrender, and killing them if they don't. [b]Level Updates[/b] With the changes in enemy aggression, I've went through all the levels to make sure that they were complete-able. Adjustments have also been made to a lot of the levels, by either adding geometry, adding new textures, or redoing the lighting. Geometry Changes (Map 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11) Texture Updates (Map 1,2,3,5,7,11) Enemy Density reduced on Maps 5, 6, 7, 8, and 11. [b]Misc Fixes[/b] - Added Glass Penetration to player bullets - Fixed MP issue where other players gadgets (flashbangs/stingers/frags) would not attach to players (on Spawn) - Remy Shotgun now uses a Pistol Grip. - Remy Shotgun (Pump) handle size increased - Sawed-Off Shotgun now blasts targets back on kill [b]Sneak Peek!![/b] Here's a sneak peek at one of the levels I'm working on now! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35182196/72c43307b96ee3b4c4aa69510aa6b853a41c9b52.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//35182196/02e6f282c0eaa492fda47a03ec668945e9ae4a52.png[/img] As always, Thank you everyone for supporting Fast and Low so far! Your feedback is greatly appreciated and I do try to address any issues that y'all stumble upon. Please let me know what you think of the enemy AI changes! I'm eager to know if y'all feel that the firefights feel more dynamic with these changes.